TO: Ms. Suarez, CEO
FROM: Ariana Font
DATE: April 9, 2017
SUBJECT: Transportation Habits of the Workforce
Here is the report you asked for on March 15th about ABC Company’s employee transportation habits.
There has been a lot of congestion on roads, air pollution, late works arrival by employees, and weak company sales and productivity. The cause of this problem is due to so many personal vehicles on roads as employees drive to work.
Figure 1: Employee Carpool Habits
From the above figure, more than fifty percent of the workforce does not use carpooling at all.
Only 2% of the workforce use carpooling randomly, 13% on certain days of the week, 23% use carpooling every day of every week and 64% never use carpooling at all. (Figure 1).
I would recommend that the employees are encouraged to use carpools when going to work so that the benefits of carpooling are enjoyed by the employees and the environment (Kennedy, 2002).
Figure 2: Use of Public Transportation
From the figure two above, more than fifty percent of workforce use public transportation to go to work. (Figure 2).
Only 2% of the workforce use public transportation to go to work randomly, 5% use public transportation on certain days of the week, 54% use it on every day of every week, and 28% of the employees never use public transportation at all.
I would recommend that more employees are encouraged to use public transportation to work every day because it reduces congestion on roads and also saves on transport costs for the employees (Buehler & Pucher, 2011).
Figure 3: Effect of Potential Improvements to Public Transportation
The above figure shows various changes on made on public transportation that encourage the workforce to use public transportation means more often. (Figure 3).
When changes like increased perceptions of safety, improved cleanliness, reduced commute times, greater convenience; that is, fewer transfers, more stops, lower or subsidized fare are made on public transportation, they encourage more employees to use public transportation more often (Buehler & Pucher, 2011.
Increased perceptions of safety increase use of public transportation by 28%, improved cleanliness by 5%, reduced commute times by 41%, fewer transfers by 18%, more stops by 6%, subsidized fare increases it by 31% and 46% of the workforce cannot be encouraged by anything so as to use public transportation.
Note: The question was asked to the people that use public means more often and those that use private means. They are approximately forty-one percent of the workforce.
Figure 4: Is Telecommuting an Option?
The above figure shows the percentage of workforce that use telecommuting as an option in their work. (Figure 4).
Only 8% of the workforce use telecommuting as an option every day, 20% of the workforce use it several days in a week, 30% use it randomly, and 42% of the workforce never use telecommuting as an option.
I would recommend that more employees are encouraged to telecommute because it improves the employee’s satisfaction, reduces absenteeism, saves on employer’s money, equalizes employee’s personalities, cuts down wasted meetings and increases the company’s productivity (Kennedy, 2002).
Data Conclusions.
Carpooling and subsidized bus passes reduce the number of vehicles on the road and encourage more employees to use public means (Buehler & Pucher, 2011). Once this is achieved, congestion and air pollution are reduced. More people travel by public means, and they save on transportation costs
Solution 1: Campaigning for Carpooling.
Carpooling has numerous benefits that multitudes of people are not aware. In fact, it reduces air pollution because it reduces cars and vehicles on the road. It saves on road fee money, gas money, and repair and maintenance costs. The move people on has, the more you can save because you share cost amongst the passengers (Kennedy, 2002). Carpooling offers a lot of flexibility. You can always look for people to travel with any day according to your schedule. You can advertise it using programs, posters or emails can be sent to employees. Information of the employees and the vehicles can be kept for identification purposes. The registration money and the fines can be used to expand the channels more.
Solution 2: Subsidized Bus Passes
Subsidized bus passes are cheap and therefore affordable to many people. Fifty percent of the employees use public means of transport as seen from the first figure (Buehler & Pucher, 2011). When the fee is reduced, then the population of staff who travel using public means also increases as seen from the second figure. It’s beneficial to employees as it saves them the hustle for parking space and reduces congestion on roads.
Campaigns for carpooling and subsidized bus passes are of great benefit to the environment and employees. It reduces air pollution and congestion on roads because of reduced number of vehicles on roads. It saves on transport and maintenance costs for the employees because they do not have to use their cars. This would increase their motivation and hence boost the company’s productivity.
Buehler, R., & Pucher, J. (2011). Making public transport financially sustainable. Transport Policy, 18(1), 126-138.
Kennedy, C. A. (2002). A comparison of the sustainability of public and private transportation systems: Study of the Greater Toronto Area. Transportation, 29(4), 459-493.