These 4 Simple Changes Will Instantly Make You A Better PersonAs you Essay

These 4 Simple Changes Will Instantly Make You A Better Person

As you take stock of your life, would you consider yourself a good person? Let’s go with a yes for now and deal with the no answers in another article.

Do you think of yourself as someone who has done well for themselves? Could you do better? (an absolutely rhetoric question of course).

Human beings have a remarkable capacity to improve themselves. Your awesomeness and great performance have unimaginable elasticity.

Certain circumstances, activities or moments can properly introduce you to yourself and your strengths, which many people never discover, let alone exploit.

We have an inborn desire for more and better. From the moment we open our eyes for the first time, we already want to do more, to be more, and to get more. But sometimes, culture, circumstances, upbringing or just screwing things up on your own can drum this urge out of you.

The good news is that, we all have the capacity to improve and after all, we should want to be better humans because, why not?

The following 4 simple changes can instantly make you a better person:

1. Say Yes!

“I don’t think so.” “I’m not sure about that.” “I’ll let you know.” “Probably not.” These are all variations of saying NO. Sometimes, saying yes can be quite liberating and can open up new experiences for you. It is easy to get stuck up in a negative rut that might, on the surface, seem like you are holding your ground but is really a 6-foot hole.

Constantly saying no might actually be a subtle way of protecting your little comfort zone and lazy routine. Being around environments with diversity can actually help you leverage your strengths.

Try new things, meet new people, and do different things that will open up your mind to new possibilities. Only this way can you become dynamic and flexible, and that’s the kind of human being we all need around us.

2. Do Something You’ve Never Done. Repeat Action:

It can be scary, uninteresting, or even downright intimidating, but doing something you’ve never done before is good for you. Not only will it help kill ennui or those boring life patterns you can’t stand anymore, but it can also be a great way of self-discovery. How else would you know that you have other aptitudes or even talents if you never try out something different?

The good news is that you don’t even have to complicate it. You could take up a craft, learn a new language, visit the retirement home down the street or visit your local pet rescue organization. If for nothing else, taking up different activities will make you gain fresh perspectives and new energy that will definitely improve you as a person.

3. Drop Hatred and Anger:

One of the most useless characteristics of human beings is their capacity for hatred and intolerance. There’s not a single thing or person on earth that you wouldn’t find at least one person to loathe. It’s insane, and not one philosopher or researcher has figured out an explanation.

As you may already know, hatred and anger have no use. In fact, they can physically harm you. Calm down and just roll with it, especially if there’s nothing you can do about the situation.

4. Get Learning:

You will never get to the point where you know everything, not even anywhere close. In fact, this kind of awareness is the only real wisdom. It not only leaves a lot of room to learn more but it also energizes you to soak up more knowledge.

Most of us can’t wait to graduate and be over and done with school. The reality is that you’ll have to keep learning way beyond formal school programs. You may even have to unlearn a few things. However, self-directed learning is fun, exciting, quite necessary if you are to become a better person.

Learning is among the most potent simple changes that adults can make to transform their lives. In fact, there isn’t a single known downside to learning. Wondering where to start? You can start by taking a simple personality test which would reveal your strengths and then help you select whatever learning areas you’d like to pursue.

There’s not a single perfect person and there never will be. Remember, no matter where you find yourself today, you can begin to take simple steps towards becoming a better person.

Bonus tip: Sharing this article can instantly make you a cool human being.

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