C programming
2. High School Scheduler In this problem you will design and implement a program that tells you the time of each class. The program will prompt the user for the class and you will output the time. For example, you will be provided with the following text file. Class Schedule: Class Time Physics 15:30 Calculus 9:00 Biology 14:30 Study Hall 10:30 Chemistry 11:30 All of your code should be placed in one file, highSchoolScheduler.c; the program accepts the file name as a command line argument so that it is executable like this: ./highSchoolScheduler schedule.txt. In the input text file the times will be in military times, and you will have to convert them to regular time. Your converted time should be displayed either in PM or AM.
Sample Output: 3 What class do you want to search for? Physics Physics is at 3:30 PM
What you will submit via handin: highSchoolScheduler.c.
Class Schedule
Class Time
Physics 15:30
Calculus 9:00
Biology 14:30
Chemistry 11:30
Expert Answer
copyable code:
// Declare a header files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Main program
int main()
//Add required variables
char Class[6][20];
int Timing_Hr[6];
int Timing_min[6];
char Mil_time[6][20];
char Head[50], Sch_Header[50];
char Searching_Class[50];
int i = 0, k = 0, Total, Find = 0;
FILE * fp;
//Read text file
fp = fopen(“schedule.txt”, “r+”);
//Reads the first line
fscanf(fp, “%[^n]n”, Head);
//Reads the first line
fscanf(fp, “%[^n]n”, Sch_Header);
// checks the while condition
while (fscanf(fp, “%st%d:%d”, Class[i], &Timing_Hr[i], &Timing_min[i]) != EOF)
//checks the if conditions
if (Timing_Hr[i]>12)
// copying the militatry time
strcpy(Mil_time[i], “PM”);
Timing_Hr[i] = Timing_Hr[i] – 12;
// copying the militatry time
strcpy(Mil_time[i], “AM”);
// increment the i
// assign the total value
Total = i – 1;
// getting the search subjects
printf(“Enter the Name of Class That You Search.? “);
for (i = 0;i<Total;i++)
// checks the endof file
if (Searching_Class[k] == ‘