Reflective writing

You will write two 3 to 5 page reflection paper summarizing what you learned from reading one of three possible articles that deal with topics related to learning and memory. Read over all three articles and choose one to write about in this assignment. Reflection papers should integrate material from the paper you read along with what you have learned this semester about learning and memory. Papers should have an introduction where you explain the article to a naive audience and a reflection section where you discuss your thoughts upon it and connect it back to yourself and the material we have covered this semester. Please limit quotes to one in your paper- I want to see what you have to say, not what the authors said. Write in APA format whenever possible, and include an APA format title page. Quick reminder- APA format requires double spacing (no more, no less), 1 inch margins, times font in 12 pt. size. Please see the rubric in the assignment for more information as to how points will be assigned and expected levels of effort.
Note: For more help with APA formatting, please see the page below. The information on the “General Format” page should be enough for this project. Also note that this page is using APA V.7, which may be different from what you were taught. I will accept 6 or 7.

This is the article

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