Question & Answer: Need your input on these questions. Please if you don't have enough ideas DO NOT RESPOND. Thanks. 1- What were the strategic objectives of AT&T and Apple at the beginning of the alliance?…

Need your input on these questions. Please if you don’t have enough ideas DO NOT RESPOND. Thanks.

1- What were the strategic objectives of AT&T and Apple at the beginning of the alliance?

2- What did Apple and AT&T give up to achieve their objectives?

3- Was the alliance equitable to both parties? If not, who got the better deal?

4- How would you calculate or estimate the value that each company got from the alliance?

5- Was Apple really better off choosing an exclusive alliance with AT&T than they would have been if they had offered the iPhone through all carriers simultaneously?

Lastly, look for an alliance case in your own experience, experience of a friend, or from public media, and analyze the following: strategic objectives of both partners, resources and capabilities brought by each partner, and how the alliance adds value.

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Question & Answer: Need your input on these questions. Please if you don't have enough ideas DO NOT RESPOND. Thanks. 1- What were the strategic objectives of AT&T and Apple at the beginning of the alliance?... 1

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