Write a work breakdown structure for an event where you’re raising money by buying then selling Chik-fil A sandwiches. It should be at least 15 steps and make sure you mention dependencies.
Expert Answer
0 Raising money by buying and selling sandwiches
1 Buy sandwiches
1.1 Ask for quotation from vendors
1.2 Negotiate prices
1.3 Finalize vendor
1.4 Purchase sandwiches
2 Setting up the selling stall
2.1 Buy/rent capital assets such as (shop, table, chairs, accessories)
2.2 Market your product, set up advertisements
3 Selling the sandwiches
3.1 Get the order
3.1.1. Take the payment from the customer
3.2 Prepare the sandwich for serving
3.2.1 Unwrap the purchased sandwich
3.2.2 Heat in the oven
3.2.3 Lay it out on the plate/ wrap in foil paper
3.2.4 Hand over the sandwich to the customer
3.2.5 Hand him/ her over the change
4 Put the money in the collection box
Dependencies include:
- Getting the vendor.
- Getting the customer
- Purchasing/ renting the assets