Question & Answer: kc Exam 3-SUMMER 2017 Page 3 A program called TieTacToe has a no-args/empty constructor that…..

kc Exam 3-SUMMER 2017 Page 3 A program called TieTacToe has a no-args/empty constructor that accepts the nane Code an application class and an a player and a score. Assume TicTacToe has already been coded object the name of a player and the players score. (10 points) called TestTicTacToo. instantiate two objects and send to each
Need answered within 30 minutes!!

kc Exam 3-SUMMER 2017 Page 3 A program called TieTacToe has a no-args/empty constructor that accepts the nane Code an application class and an a player and a score. Assume TicTacToe has already been coded object the name of a player and the player’s score. (10 points) called TestTicTacToo. instantiate two objects and send to each

Expert Answer


Assuming that the language used is java

Assuming that and are under same package

class TestTicTacToe{

public static void main(String args[]){

TicTacToe toe1 = new TicTacToe(“Joseph”,5);

TicTacToe toe2 = new TicTacToe(“Lily”,4);



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