Question & Answer: Americium-241 is used in some smoke detectors. It is an alpha emitter with a half-life of 432…..

Part OneAmericium-241 is used in some smoke detectors. It is an alpha emitter with a half-life of 432 years. How long will it take in years for 33.0 % of an Am-241 sample to decay?Part TwoQuestion & Answer: Americium-241 is used in some smoke detectors. It is an alpha emitter with a half-life of 432..... 1

Americium-241 is used in some smoke detectors. It is an alpha emitter with a half-life of 432 years. How long will it take in years for 33.0 % of an Am-241 sample to decay?

Expert Answer

Radioactive disintegration is a first order process,

Let the initial activity of Americium-241 is a0 = 100 % and the final activity is a = 100 % – 33 % = 67 %.

The half life period, t1/2 = 432 year

For the first order reaction, k = 0.693/t1/2 = 0.693/432 = 0.0016 year-1

Applying first order kinetic equation

t = 2.303/k log (a0/a)

= 2.303/0.0016 year-1 log (100/67)

= 1439.375 year log (1.493)

= 1439.375 year​ X 0.17393

250.34 years

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