Once, a professor held a glass of water and asked the students what the weight of it is. The answers ranged from eight to twenty ounces. Pretty contented with the responses, he replied that the exact weight of the glass of water doesn’t matter since it depends on how long you’re going to hold it – if it’s just for a minute, then that’s perfectly fine; if you hold it for an hour, then you might have an arm cramp; but if you keep it in your hand for a day, you might have to call for an ambulance.
Just like managing stress, the burden that you’re carrying relies solely on you. If you don’t take a break from something which exhausts you, then you might not be able to keep going. You have to put down those tasks for a minute and do things which would make you more productive later. Before anything else, what is stress? While most people relate the word “stress” with psychological stress, experts use this term to indicate any force that impairs the stability and balance of bodily functions.
Though some people choose smoking or excessive drinking as a way of escapism, there are a couple of ways to effectively deal with stress. Those acts are actually counterproductive and will just make a person more sensitive to stress, making its effects worse later on. First, munch on comfort food like a serving of oatmeal. They boost levels of serotonin, a calming brain chemical. Other foods can reduce levels of adrenaline and cortisol, which are stress hormones that take over the body in the long run. Although it’s good to resort to comfort food every once in a while, a nutritious diet can counteract the impact of stress by boosting the immune system and lowering blood pressure. The go, grow and glow foods which we learned back in grade school are indeed important and were taught not just for the sake of celebrating nutrition month.
Second, be aware of the next instance wherein you find yourself irritated and think twice if that situation would matter in a day, a week, a month, or even a year. Learn to let go of trivial things and don’t waste your time on something undeserving. Anger management and stress management are closely related to each other since the former is a tried-and-true stress reducer. As what they say, “It takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three muscles to frown”. Also, breathe slowly and deeply before reacting to a stressful occurrence. Aside from it gives you time to reflect on whether or not the situation is worth your energy and time; it normalizes your blood pressure, it makes you use oxygen more efficiently and your mind ages at a slower rate. Breathing meditation does clear your mind off. Inhale, exhale.
It’s as simple as that. In general, since stress is inevitable in everyday life, you have to know what your effective ways of coping up with it are. There are hundreds of them. Bear in mind, however, that there are things which may help you get away with stress, but will just destroy your health sooner or later. Basically, it’s all in the mind. The weight of the glass of water you’re carrying does depend on how long you hold it. For lack of anything quite sensible to post. This is my extemporaneous speech, by the way. As far as I know, it’s the kind of speech when the speaker only has the outline; guess our teacher chose to lighten the burden often carried during the final week. And yes, I got part of the information from the World Wide Web.
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