Despite having an improved financial outcome for the company ranking as a high-performance employee Makena Lane has curdled interpersonal relation with others. This makes a scenario wherein the employee feedback based on numbers is fantastic, but the peer review happens to be quite the contrary. Hence in order to reap exceptional performance from Makena Lane a pep up conversation-based discussion is immensely essential. Hence, the main challenge would be to mellow down the abrasive working style followed by Makena Lane in order to shape her as a potential leader for the 365 emporium and act as a successor for Alec Fernandez.
Goal for individualized conversation ” A pre-assignment of Makena Lane is obtained based on the personal goal, action plans, challenges as well as career aims in order to get an idea of the mental makeup. The concept of reactions to adverse situations, her likes ” dislikes and related details will aid to identify the content and direction that would be followed for further sessions respectively.
Feedback based Mentoring ” One particular concern raised during a conversation with Makena Lane is the abrasive working style and the related nonacceptable feedback which had made peers as well as juniors disrespected while acting in a smart manner. The ideal situation from her perspective needs to be conjured up for developing a plan. The main aim is to aid her to communicate in a non-threatening manner while also not intruding in other’s tasks. This process needs to be in a structured and organized manner. The specific concern and feedbacks pertaining to this issue which is faced by her can be garnered optimally. Explain the related organizational structure ” The pertinence of inter relationship between the employees and impact on work needs to be discussed. This would emphasis the pertinence of working and organizational relationship. The spark of socializing with a larger audience need to be triggered at this stage. Explain that the positive impact of other people can be gained only being an active listener. A positive manner of communication which is based on mutual support needs to be stressed up while the benefits of thanking the contributor should be explained. Exploration of Possibilities ” The intelligent use of good discovery questioning and open-ended discussion with Makena lane needs to be done after the goals and challenges have been established respectively. At this brainstorming stage of the conversation, the plausible advice for reaching the desired outcome from this issue is available. The deliberation of this step would allow the emergence of a number of solutions and ideas thereby leading to the optimal results for this issue.——————————-The optimal support could be offered to Makena Lane during tenure at 365 Emporium would be when the professional acts in the capacity of the coaching rather than being an external professional coaching. When a coaching manager offers one on one aid for solving these interpersonal issues then it might lead to optimal results respectively. An everyday one on one interaction leads to development of trust and understanding. When the guidance exists as a part of the company then follow p advice as well as sanctioning a feeling of being heard is possible thereby improving performance. Fernandez can also offer a clear and transparent feedback to her and offer an open discussion for better results. This aids Makena to self-evaluate herself for her positive and negative traits thereby amending the behavior and working style developing her inner growth. Also this periodical behavior evaluation and discussion with the Makena by Fernandez as being the supervisor would prove the direct interest of the company in the development of the employees.————————Dedication, Authenticity and self-awareness would be acting as foundational stones of the Self Generation’ coaching process which is based on sled growth with the ambit of self-generation processThe management meets with Makena for the development towards optimal performance. The team needs to set clear targets those are collaborative and aligned with the organization’s goals. The follow up conversations need to be frequent, focused and goal oriented in nature. This ongoing conversation are ultimately about inspiring and energizing Makena Lane for the future. When management team increase the engagement-focused conversations aimed at achieving the core principles of performance development, manager-employee interactions feel more encouraging, purposeful and rewarding.———————————–As per the past performance report she has proved to be a high performance executive by proving her acumen in numbers evidenced by the manager’s statement that Almost everything big I have achieved while at 365 has been because of Makena, He also believe that she will do amazing things for the organization if her role is extended. If Makena is not considered for the role the other option is an external hire for another 365-emporium unit. If she is not considered for the elevation after coaching, then she would likely sever ties with the company. The new stratify being her working well betony her challenges, after Fernandez quits, she is the only person with a keen knowhow about the operational dynamic leading 365-emporium towards pre-determined organizational goals respectively. ————————————It aim at a position to help her I would strategies optimal solutions for her to practice base on ” on ” one discussion, offering daily advise and monitor the changes in her behavior for further enhancement. Offering certain consistent encouragement while also reminding her of the objectives of the self-generative practice through periodic sessions would yield noteworthy results. The time required for constructive feedback and reflection in order to coach Makena effectively needs to be spent. An open-ended question that engages Makena Lane for imaginative analysis and reaching the self-generative mechanism concept is vital to this process. This process is aimed at developing and improving qualities and talents with respect to interpersonal working influencing the overall development. This leads for her to perform her duties in an immensely responsible manner and creativity thereby leading to keeping her motivated and integrated into the organizational work ethos.