Choose five (and only five) identification terms from the following list. Each ID answer must include the following information: 1) identify the term by explaining who or what (definition of the term); when/date(s); where (if not a national event/phenomenon); and 2) historical significance/importance of this term – what impact or influence this term had on U.S. history at the time. Make sure your answer is absolutely clear and contains all of the relevant and specific/detailed information you need to answer the question well. Write the ID term before providing your answer so it is clear which IDs you have chosen.
assembly line
Plessy v. Ferguson
Social Darwinism
Triangle Fire
19th Amendment
Populist Party
Teddy Roosevelt
Versailles Treaty
Jane Addams
total war
yellow journalism
Chinese Exclusion Act
Harlem Renaissance
Haymarket Square riot
Wounded Knee