
Filipino Slang Words Essay

Throughout the generation, one can already make a separate dictionary for the great number of Filipino slang terms created. However one term can definitely catch one’s attention, which is exactly what the term’s meaning is. Have you ever been in a situation where a person has been called epal? What exactly is being epal? Urban […]

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Benefits of being Multilingual Essay

In today’s society, being one step ahead can account for a lot. In the modern day world, people of all cultures are constantly intercepting in one way or another, whether it be at work, in stores, or in their own neighborhoods. How could you live so close to someone and not being able to communicate […]

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A Talk About Oral English Teaching Problems and Solutions Essay

As a result, spoken language becomes more and more important. Nowadays, almost everyone knows the importance of learning English, it is taught as a compulsory subject at elementary school, secondary school and university in China. A lot of people consider that vocabulary is the key to learning English, so they prefer to memorize words as […]

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An Effective Technique and Material in Learning English Essay

An Effective Technique and Material in Learning English English has an important role in many aspects of life. This statement leads us to the reason of why this language should be taught in schools. In Indonesia, English is used as the first foreign language that should be learned by the students even from elementary school […]

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19th Century Philippines Essay

The Philippines was governed by Spain through a viceroy from Mexico. The highest office was that of the Governor-General, the chief executive of the Spanish colonial government, appointed by the Spanish king. The town is managed by a gobernadorcillo. The barangay is the smallest political unit under a cabeza de barangay. The social hierarchy was […]

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Different reasons why people communicate Essay

1.1 Identify the different reasons why people communicate Communication and relationships represent one of the most important characteristics of working with others, adults and children. There are a variety of reasons why people communicate, mainly: -Building relationships: the first thing that will happen when I first meet a new child, parent, colleagues, is some form of communication. This might be a smile, wave or a linguistic form […]

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