
Were the dark ages really so dark? Essay

It was first used when people began to see a contrast between the brilliance of Europe during the time of Roman Empire, the “light” period, and the sudden deterioration during the centuries after the collapse of Rome. Throughout the time of Roman occupation in Europe, the European economy and culture were thriving. However, when the […]

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Columbian Exhange Notes/ Study Guide Essay

The Columbian Exchange brought profound changes to both the Old World and the New. Agriculture was transformed through the introduction of new plants and animals in both directions. Health and population levels were affected, often in catastrophic ways, by the exchange of diseases. Culture and history were transformed by the introduction of new technologies, which […]

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Analyze the Social and Economic Transformations Essay

Between 1492 and 1750, the new contacts between Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas, socially and economically transformed the Atlantic world. New worlds were discovered, the population was escalating due to the slave trade and booming economy, and the industrial production advanced from man-made to machine-made. The new contacts among Western Europe, Africa, and the […]

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Ambassadors Essay

Mavromati Panayiotis Karafotias IREL-480-9 For my paper I decided to write about the ambassadors of Denmark, The United States of America and Uruguay. His Excellency Mr. Tom Norring, the ambassador of Denmark, was one of the ambassador’s to come this semester. He decided to focus his speech not on his country but more on the […]

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Economic and Political Causes of European Exploration Essay

By 1400s, European countries began to dominate the globe with trade and advanced technologies. England, Spain, France and Portugal emerged as the strongest nations in the 1400s and 1500s. For reasons separate for each, the dominant European powers desired to expand their reign beyond Europe. Europeans began exploring various economic reasons, but they did not […]

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