Functions of the TLM, Input, Process, and Output
Marco needs to have precise techniques for how the company is going to change, the previous strategy that had been effective for their operations will no longer work due to the shifting needs of customers. Given this mechanism shift as a point of focus, there is a need to work back to the ‘input’ level concentrating on the level 3 (Barros & Domínguez, 2013). Regarding individual issues, it is unlikely that the skills and strategies behavior would be a significant issue; even though, motives and values could be an essential consideration. Concerning the team factors, a concerted strategy to restructure the duties as well as establish modern norms will be necessary as doing this in an autocratic method might not be the best method since authority variable and association will need to be considered.
Goals for Outputs
Personally, the team’s objectives and goals for outputs are making the whole team change into a more integrated into work. As at the moment, a majority of the people in the industry are specialized with excellent knowledge in a particular area of the business; however, they possess little to no understanding of the rest of the operation (Barros & Domínguez, 2013). The primary consideration that ought to be altered reading the team is that they need to be ready and able to multitask much better than they are now.
Potential Resources
There are several various potential resources that Marco and his team can utilize in the implementation of a strategy to alter the manner in which Hernandez and Associate operate. The first one engages the use of client’s wants to have visualization for the change that is required in the business (Barros & Domínguez, 2013). The whole industry also needs to be focused on the current mission where group meetings should frequently occur with the aim of spreading the new message of the business and the manner in which it operates.
Barros, R. H., & Domínguez, I. L. (2013). Integration strategies for the success of mergers and acquisitions in financial services companies. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 14(5), 979-992.