1. Technological Advancement presented in WALL-E that are existing
A. Voice Command This technological advancement presented in the movie is using the voice to execute primarily commands in which we are telling on what should be done.
B. Search Command This technological advancement presented in the movie is using also our voice in which the said technology is arranging or systematizing an orderly search object in which the user is wish to know.
C. Pattern Recognition
This technological advancement presented in the movie is using using pattern schronization in which the agent is moving through patterns in which in provides where the agent direction and avoding collision to the other agent that have another pattern to follow.
2. Technological Advancement presented in WALL-E that are possible to happen
A. Eve – flying robot
This technological advancement presented in the movie is a robot in which capable of flying attach with scanner sensor and a weapon . This advancement would be possible because we do have some agent(s) that have sensor attach to them and agent that use in that has weapon use in military combat.
B. Accel – ship
This technological advancement presented in the movie can sustain life specifically human life in space for many years and attach with different system or technology. As presented in the movie they live in the space for 700 years living with sustanable oxygen and gravity balance. This techonology is possible in a way that that are the same to the experience of our astronouts discovering in the space and with the technology use in some science museum in which they can adjust gravity for us to experience space. And now we do have sensors and system that use in the ship ,likely some , thus it is possible for the human race to have.
C. Transportation like a speed of light
This technological advancement presented in the movie in which tha accel(ship) is returning to earth like a speed of light. It is possible because we do have now this technology boosting to space in which we can go to mars less than the usual frame time .