What’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone thinks of Essay

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone thinks of cancer: Dread. What if someone was aware that cancer can be prevented? That the risk could be reduced significantly depending on life choices and many other attributes. There may not be any cure, but there sure are preventions someone can take. Preventions go a long way, depending on one’s determination and dedication. One way someone can make cancer preventable is to change their lifestyle choices. Starting with risky behavior like tobacco.

There are many ways to acquire cancer, but studies have found that cancer has indeed no cure. The best thing to do is take the actions to better prevent oneself from this incredibly dangerous disease. First, is one cigarette worth a life? That may end one’s life sooner than someone would have hoped for as a child. Weight is another caution. Most heavier set people experience breast, prostate, lung, colon and many other forms of cancer.

Keeping a thirty minutes a day exercise routine will keep someone healthy and cancer free state, states Tuff – in his article Links Between Healthy Diet and Preventing Cancer. Attempt to limit the amount on processed meats consumed daily. Limit to about eighteen ounces of red meats per week, states Tuff. This will reduce the saturated fat build up and prevent colon cancer. Red meats are high in iron and other nutritional contents, but people still need these nutrients. So someone doesn’t have to completely cut it out of their diet, just limit to as stated eighteen ounces a week. Doctors often use a diagnostic test to fully determine the cancer’s stage. Staging a cancer can help locate where the cancer is, if or where it spread, and weather it is affecting other parts of the body. Knowing these stages help doctors determine many objectives, for example the patients recovery, determine how well the treatment worked, etc. There are about five stages of cancer. Each stage has many different effects on the patient, depending on the type of cancer being prognosed, explained Ozdemir, Stage one is commonly known for a small cancer or tumor that has not grown deeply into nearby tissues. It also has not spread to the lymph nodes of the other parts of the body. This stage is highly treatable and does in fact need immediate attention. Depending on the rate the cancer is moving sometimes can be classified as stage 0 also known as not moving, states Jessey Thomas, editor of the Journal of Nation Science, Biology, and Medical. Then, the removal of a cancerous tumor can increase a survival rate of five years. For many tumors, cancer surgery is the best chance for a cure, especially if the cancer is localized and hasn’t spread. When a doctor can not remove all of a cancerous tumor; for example doing so may severely harm a vital organ. Someone’s doctor may remove as much as possible in order to make chemotherapy and radiation much more effective. The five-year survival rate for people diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer that has spread to other areas of the body is at most five percent,states Ozdemir. The five year survival rate for people diagnosed with cancer that has spread to other areas of the body is five percent (States the National Cancer Institute). Overall survival rates don’t specify whether cancer survivors are still undergoing treatment at five years, or if they’ve become cancer-free. The fifth stage of cancer is highly untreatable. It is known by the World Scientist if someone is diagnosed with stage five cancer, they are in risk of death at a higher rate. This deadly disease will kill at a faster rate than any other stage of cancer, thought there are many medical treatment only five percent will survive. A cancer diagnosis can be devastating turn of events in anyone’s life. A stage 4 diagnosis means that the cancer may have begun to spread to other parts of the body, or lymph nodes, blood, brain, etc. Ozdemir states, Survival rate for stage 4 cancer is about 12 months with treatment. Though a stage 4 can not be cured, it can be temporarily reversed. By going through chemotherapy and or radiation, someone can extend their life. Though it may not be for long depending on someone’s body resistance. Cancer can also be potentially prevented depending on the prognosis. If someone remains in complete remission for 5 years or more, some doctors may say that the patient is cured.For a few cancers, studies show screening tests can save lives by diagnosing cancer early. For other cancers, screening tests are recommended only for people with increased risk, states Mary White, editor of the Journal of Adolescent. A variety of medical organizations and patient-advocacy groups have recommendations and guidelines for cancer screening. According to the National Cancer Institute, the 5-year survival rate includes persons who survive for 5 years after diagnosis. Whether in remission, disease-free state, or under treatment. Medical literature has dropped its duration of cancer survival rate from an older standard of 5 years to a mere 3 years and hence is the increase in the percentage of survival rates. Still, some cancer cells can remain in body for many years after treatment. For most forms of cancer, a local recurrence may still be curable, so early detection of a local recurrence is very important. Doctors try to reduce the number of cancer cells as much as possible.Watching for a cancer recurrence is often very different from screening for the original cancer. In many cases, local and regional recurrences can be cured. Even when a cure isn’t possible, treatment may shrink a patient cancer to slow the cancer’s growth. This can relieve pain and other symptoms, and it may help the patient live longer. A recurrence occurs when the cancer comes back after treatment. This can happen weeks, months, or even years after the primary or original cancer was treated. It is impossible for someone’s doctor to know for sure if the cancer will recur. The chance of recurrence depends on the type of primary cancer. It’s not possible to predict how likely a cancer is to recur. Cancer may not become advanced until years after it was first diagnosed. It may also remain in the body after treatment, causing the cancer to return later. Sometimes when treatment shrinks the cancer, the patient’s body can take a break until the cancer starts to grow again. But in either of these cases the cancer is still there. The treatment can shrink the cancer, but it sometime can not be detected. This results in cancer recurrence. Survival depends on many factors, so the doctors can not exactly know how long the patient will live. It depends on the patients individual condition, type of cancer, treatment and level. Prognosis depends on the stage of the cancer at diagnosis. A favorable prognosis means a good chance of treatment success. For example, the overall 5-year relative survival rate for testicular cancer is 95%. This means that most men diagnosed with the disease have a favorable prognosis. Some people with cancer will have only one treatment. But most people have a combination of treatments, such as surgery with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. The number of new cancer cases and cancer-associated deaths overall and by sex alongside corresponding age- standardised rates( ASR) per 100,000 people per year states Fiddler from the Lancet oncology. Detection tests that can improve the odds that some types of cancer. Low-grade cancer cells look more like normal cells and tend to grow and spread more slowly than high-grade cancer cells. Cancer grade may be used to help plan treatment and determine prognosis. Low-grade cancers usually have a better prognosis than high-grade cancers and may not need treatment right away. Cancer symptoms and signs depend on the specific type and grade of cancer. If the cancer progresses, the patient can decide at that point whether to have treatment. Cancer is the second leading cause of death among those 65 years and older, and the incidence of cancer increases with age, states Fiddler. Though the same treatments are available, because of this age difference the procedure is more of a risk taking objective. However, a substantial proportion of older adults will reach the end of their life span without clinically detected cancer. The prevention or at least delay of cancer occurrence can be viewed as an effective strategy for achieving a healthy, long life. In conclusion, cancer can be prevented upon many factors. May that be the type of cancer, the prognosis one’s doctor provides, and etc.Including the age of the individual undergoing changes to better prevent these potential effects. There are many events that cause cancer that can be prevented. It’s depending on the grade of cancer ones doctor has diagnosed, the lifestyle the patient has decided.

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