What strategies might a creative-minded leader use to implement organizational change? Why?

In order to implement organizational change creative minded leader can employ the following strategies: The first one is ownership. When your workers are informed about the changes in an organization they can go on in ensuring that the internal transition is smoother and aid both the vendors and clients to cope up as well. A strategy that can get workers personally being concerned about the change can motivate them to take care of the business as if it was theirs. The second strategy is mapping it out which implies that it is important to make sure that workers are given the details of what the change can be and how it will impact the company(Cangemi & Miller, 2009). The third one is going in stages, for instance having a small group of workers who may try to implement the change before involving all employees. Finally is to ensure that everyone is involved in the implementation of the plan.


Cangemi, J., & Miller, R. (2009). Breaking-out-of-the-box in organizations: Structuring a

positive climate for the development of creativity in the workplace. Journal of

Management Development26(5), 401-410.

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