Week 4: Chapter 4: Differences in Communication 1. Please do the following before responding to the following questions. Take the time to either sit or stand “too close” to another person (don’t tell them what you are doing). As you have a conversation with them, take note of both their reactions as well as your own. After you finish talking with them, you are welcome to either tell them what you are up to or not. a. How did you determine what was “too close”? What was the approximate distance that you stood or sat by them? Who is this person in relation to you? b. What are the social identities of the person that you were talking to (e.g. race/ethnicity, gender, age, etc.). What were their explicit (what could be observed) and implicit (what you inferred) reactions during the conversation? Did their communication styles align with the patterns presented in the book? Did yours? c. Is it important to note these differences when we speak with others? Why? 2. Do you tend to have a more direct or indirect communication style? What is it like for you to speak to someone who has a differing style than you? How do you respond when you are in conflict with person that utilizes a different communication style than you? 3. There has been an enduring debate/dialogue in America in regards to whether we should use the single language of English in the public arena (e.g. voting materials, public signs, etc.) instead of translating the materials into the variety of languages that is represented in a geographic area. Which direction do you think we should take as a society? Why?


Effective communication Skills




The person I sat next to was my sibling. He was approximately four feet. His reaction was different once I came close to him. Perhaps, his psychology was interfered with. However, personal space is a psychological phenomenon that an individual possess. It does not matter how one is close or far to the next individual. It both affects their psychology, and thereafter, a result occur. My brother finally got anxious and he expected to get a word from me. Getting close to someone is an act that should be put into consideration. A space of two centimeters give rise to anger, anxiety, or even a fight. This depends on the relations in which one has to the next person. For instance, speaking to a stranger needs a distance which is different from the distance in which we have with our siblings or other inmates. Psychology is affected in different ways when it comes to personal space. Persons self-esteem is affected and is suffers greatly (Hagan, 2014).  In this case, my sibling got the potential to rest after I told what I was after. His eye movement finally resettled because he was tortured psychologically.


The social identity of the person was a male, five years younger than me. His reactions came in different ways. First, he tried to move away from me but he returned back to his original position. Moreover, he began t continually move his eyes trying to evade my availability just right beside him. Seemingly, he was a bit disturbed. He expected a lot from me, either through whispers or other non-verbal communication. Furthermore, during the conversation, his behavior was affected. He would talk and answer without his conscience. Therefore, making the communication difficult. According to neuroscience, his psychology was affected and disturbed (Hagan, 2014). Basically he thought I would attack him because he was younger than me. Besides he was quilt of something that was not in existence which eventually lead to incorrect answers thereby proving him wrong. No blame is to be put on this. Reason? It is because guarding personal distance is important for effective communication and stable psychology. In general, personal space is directly linked to implicit and explicit reactions of an individual. Communication style I experienced goes hand in hand with the one learnt in class. Nonverbal communications such as body movement was seen therefore it concurs with what I learnt in class.


Yes. It is important to note the differences in communication styles when speaking to others. This is because some are highly-tempered. Once you get close to them, you can be easily fought back even when you are not ill-intentioned. A lot has been happening when we get close to people who are strangers and even who are familiar with us. Different reactions are seen. As a result, most of the people are sued because they do not guard people’s personal space which is an ample space and psychologically stable. Moreover, due to anger that may arise among individual, communication is interfered with and those in actions become guilt over imaginative issues.


It is important to use all forms of communication. These communication can either direct or indirect. These forms will depend on the psychology of the second respondents. Their psychology will determine the reaction and the response. Selectively, the right choice is met making every party to be comfortable with what is attended to. For example, direct communication makes and individual to think and judge with ease. On the other hand, indirect is more in-depth in that, judgement is critically looked into. Therefore, psychology is well used in the judgements.

Communicating with a person who has a different style is a tiresome action. Conclusions are not met at ease. Therefore, a third party can be introduced to make communication channel more effective. As a result communication becomes either expensive or unattended. Studies shows that scholars have arose to check on the people’s communication styles and how to cope up with communication barriers. Communication will be efficient and diverted to the best ways which can be understood by all people. Effective communication can either verbal or non-verbal. (Hagan, 2014).  

The following are the ways in which conflicts are resolved when communication styles differ. First, we ought to identify our personal distance and accept the way it is put into consideration. We should also identify the people we are communicating with. For instance, communicating with close inmates is different from communicating with the public (Lough, 2016). Therefore, spaces in which we communicate with others should be guarded. All forms of frustrations, anger, and anxiety that arise as a result of poor distance guard is eliminated. One will eventually feel very secure. Secondly, do not accept something that you are uncomfortable with. For example, learnt to say no if what you have been given as a gift does not fit you. It will give you a humble time to enjoy your space. It is important to note that we start with something small to something big in order to succeed. Finally, we should learn to stop feeling guilty. Some of the people feel that their conduct might be exposed especially when selfish interests are dug into. One will feel bad later and confidence fades even when one have not committed any crime (Hagan, 2014).  



I think the use of more than language is more important in communication in a public arena. Majority of the people will be able to understand their own language, therefore creating effective communication skills. Difficulties will not be faced by the people because they can learn other people’s identity and their culture. However, the use of multiple languages is important. These languages improves the integrated global business, security, growth and prosperity. For example, communicating with new clients and companies may need other languages for communication to be effective. According to psychologists, studying more than one language develops the brain’s ex-command system therefore, helping in planning, problem solving and other hard tasks. Moreover, the use of more than one language paves way for a success due to minimal competitions in terms of businesses. This is indicated by the doctor who can understand what the patient can say in its native thereby making it a success in terms of treatment. I think using of more than one langue is important depending on the geographical area thus promoting good communication skills (Lough, 2016).



Hagan, L. & Thompson, L. (2014). It’s good to talk: developing the communication skills of an

intellectual disability through argumentative and alternative communication. British Journal of learning Disabilities, 42 (1) 66-73.

Lough, E. Flynn, E. & Riby, D. (2016). Personal Space Regulation in William Syndrome: the

effect of Familiarity. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(10) 3207-3215.


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