Ways in which human resource management differs significantly in the public sector from the private sector?

 600 Words

1) Specify some of the ways in which human resource management differs significantly in the public sector from the private sector?2) Specify some of the ways in which all public managers are involved in the areas human resource management?3) In recent times, organizations have been devoting an increasing amount of the organization’s resources toward human resources.

Ways in which human resource management differs significantly in the public sector from the private sector? 1

This is particularly true in areas such as technical and social training, dispute resolution, and the like. Why do you think this is?4) What are some of the ways that human resource managers operating in local government agencies (i.e. municipal, county, school districts, and so forth) are addressing the skills shortages caused by massive generational retirements in the public sector?

source http://www.jstor.org.proxy.li.suu.edu:2048/stable/20447680

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