How are history, economics, and culture tied to the development of civilizations and governments?

Essential Questions


  • Why are there conflicts between religious groups, historically and currently?
  • How do various factors determine the wealth and development of a country?
  • How are history, economics, and culture tied to the development of civilizations and governments?


Project Overview


You will choose ONE essential question and develop your project using the skills and knowledge you have acquired from social studies and ELA this year. Your objective will be to create a hero’s journey narrative with a central protagonist that relates to one of the topics you studied in social studies this year and addresses one of the above essential questions.



  • a biographical narrative about a historical personage
  • a narrative about a fictional character set in a real historical time and place


Your narrative, setting, and characters are only limited by your imagination! You may create your narrative in (almost) any format you would like including:


  • computer/video game (as in you may build and code a game in a program like Unity–NO MINECRAFT!)
  • short story or novelette
  • short film
  • graphic novel or comic
  • visual art
  • strategy-based card game



Rules and Guidelines


  • No repeat topics within the same class block.


  • You may be in groups of 2 or 3, no more than 3, NO EXCEPTIONS. You will assess each other’s work and efforts at the end of the project.


  • You must work with students in your block.


  • Your project topic and product must require synthesis of information and development of original narrative content. You must receive teacher approval of your topic before proceeding. Once you have chosen and received approval of your topic, you cannot change it so choose wisely!


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