Find a sentence which illustrates the following idea/attitude:pride in conformity and distrust of those who are different The Radleys kept to themselves and kept their shutters and doors closed on Sundays. 1. Chapter one introduces readers to the town of Maycomb, its appearance, its inhabitants, and the particular attitudes of many of its people. Find a sentence which illustrates the following idea/attitude:awareness of difference in social classes The Cunninghams from Old Sarum were the nearest thing to a gang in Maycomb.
“the wrong crowd” 1.
Chapter one introduces readers to the town of Maycomb, its appearance, its inhabitants, and the particular attitudes of many of its people. Find a sentence which illustrates the following idea/attitude:narrow span of interest and almost no interest in the world outside Maycomb superstition and gossip surrounding the Radleys 1. Approximately when does the story begin? Show evidence to support your answer. Two references help establish the time as the early 1930s: the movie Dracula and the reference to FDR’s address “.
. . nothing to fear but fear itself. ” 1. What do we know for certain about Boo Radley?
Boo had been kept a virtual prisoner in his home since misdemeanors in his teens. 1. Why is Boo fascinating to the children? Boo is fascinating to the children because he lives in a run-down, spooky house and is the subject of many superstitions. Because they have never seen him, the children are fascinated with pretending about Boo. Chapter Two 2. Scout makes three mistakes during her first day at school. What are her mistakes, and why do they make Miss Caroline so angry? On the first day of school, Scout reads, writes, and attempts to explain to Miss Caroline the kind of poor people the Cunninghams are.
Miss Caroline feels inadequate. 3. Why are the professional people in Maycomb poor at this time? Professional people are poor because the farmers were poor; Maycomb is farm country. 4. What is the WPA, and why won’t Mr. Cunningham work for it? WPA was the Works Progress Administration, a government-sponsored agency which created jobs constructing public buildings. It was part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. Mr. Cunningham apparently disagreed politically. Chapter Three 5. Calpurnia lectures Scout on manners when Scout criticizes Walter’s manners and Atticus supports her.
What does this tell you about how both Calpurnia and Atticus feel about others? Cal believes anyone who is a guest in one’s house should be treated with courtesy. Atticus supports Cal. 6. Burris Ewell, Walter Cunningham, and Chuck Little are all from extremely poor families. However, there are great differences both in appearance and in attitudes, particularly between the Cunninghams and the Ewells. What are those differences and why do you suppose they exist? The instinctive courtesy of Chuck Little and the steely pride of Walter Cunningham contrast with the filthy, foul-mouthed Burris Ewell.
This may be a result of different attitudes and examples set for them by their parents. 7. Atticus tells Scout, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. . . until you climb in his skin and walk around in it. ” What are some of the things that Scout begins to realize at this point? Scout has learned to try to look at things from another person’s point of view. 8. Why does Atticus say that the law is rigid for “common folk,” but it is bent in certain ways for the Ewells?
Atticus explains that the Ewells will never change; therefore, the law permits them to stay out of school and allows their father to hunt out of season so the children can have food. 9. What is the “compromise” which Atticus suggests? Atticus suggests a compromise of Scout’s attending school in return for being able to go on reading every night as they always have. Chapter 4 1. She says about her teacher, she also says about the different types of students and how the higher grades get out 30 min after them 2. They are coming from Boo Radley as gifts from him to the children.
He watches them all the time from inside his house. 3. Scout is scared of the laughing she heard from the Radley house when she rolled in the tire, and Atticus was already suspicious that the children were acting out Boo’s legend, or the “Boo Radley game. ” Chapter 5 1. A kind, cheerful, and witty neighbor and trusted friend of Scout’s, who also upholds a strong moral code and helps the children gain perspective on the events surrounding the trial. She also loves gardening. Miss. Maudie adds a gentleness to the mother figure that Calpurnia, although she cares geatly for Scout, can’t always give.
She helps Scout as Jem grows up and distances himself from her. Miss. Maudie reassures Scout when things get nasty and he neighbours criticize Atticus. Miss. Maudie not only nurtures Scout but shows her what is really important in life. I like her react when her house burns down. As she watches the flames devour her house, she simply states that she always wanted a “smaller one” with a bigger garden. 2. No she is not putting down all baptist because she is a baptist herself, she was just putting down the “foot washing” Baptists. 3. What she is saying is that religion makes people do worse things than whiskey.
At least, she is saying it is possible for that to happen. 4. Atticus wants equality for all and believes the court can be the equalizer. He believes that Radley deserves a right to privacy,just like everyone else. Chapter 6 5. because it is Dills last day in maycomb and he wants to see what the radley place looks like. 6. Jem says to Scout… “Scout I’m tellin’ you for the last time, shut your trap or go home I declare to the lord you’re gettin’ more like a girl every day! ” Then Scout states she no option but to join them (Jem and Dill) 7.
This tells us that Jem is fearful of him fathers authority and has a lot of respect for his father and wants to continue to have a good relationship with him. Chapter 7 1. Jem’s pants(Jemery Atticus Finch) had been left stuck under the fence of Boo’s yard. When jem returnded later that night to get his pants they had been untangles from the fence, sewn (very poorly), and folded and hung on the fence as if they were waiting for him. 2. It represented Boo’s friendly connection with the Finch children. Everyone thought Boowas a fearsome, crazy ‘phantom’ and awful rumours were spread around about him.
In actual fact, Boo was a nice person, except he didn’t have any contact with the outside world. He left gifts in the knothole for Jem and Scout to find, because he wanted to express his friendship. 3. Jem cries when Nathan Radley cemented the hole because he realises that Boo was trying to befriend them and Nathan Radley cut off that connection by depriving Boo of friendship, so to speak. he does not what Boo to contact the children. Chapter 8 1. They are trying to make fun of him. The reason is that he had insulted them by calling them sinners and saying the snow was all their fault. . He wants to protect Boo Radley from all the town gossip. he also wants to protect boo from getting punished by his brother 3.
When her house is destroyed, Miss Maudie does not mourn over her loss. The things she lost were just possessions which could be replaced. She was glad no one was hurt. Chapter 9 a Atticus says that the word N****** is common. 1. b. Atticus knew he could never live with himself if he did not defend Tom Robinson. Though he was black, Tom Robinson was obviously innocent. Atticus’s conscience would not let him send an innocent man to jail, black or not. . he disapproved of Scouts language and behavior. 2. Is Atticus’s sister and Jem and Scouts Aunt. b. He is Aunt Alexandra’s grandson and Scout and Jem’s second cousin c. Jem and Scouts Uncle and Atticus’s brother. d. Aunt Alexandra’s husband and Scout and Jem’s Uncle. Chapter 10 1. Scout thinks Atticus is no good, at least not as good as what they think he is anymore. One reason is because Atticus didn’t teach them for to use the air rifles and leave that task to Uncle Jack. Another reason is because he is older than most of their friends’ fathers, at nearly 50.
They see him as feeble. 2. She simply is saying because mockingbirds don’t do anything but keep to themselves we shouldn’t bother them ( the Radleys and Tom Robinson) 3. she explains it by saying how when god gives you a gift it is not to be taken advantage of and your father knew that their is a time and place for everything and when it was time he gave up hunting and shooting. he is a civilized man at heart 4. Jem wants Scout to pay attention and do well in school and not to brag that their father didn’t attend school. Chapter 11 1. ecause mrs dubose is addicted to her pain medicine and she is dying so she doesnt want to die addicted to something so every day when jem is reading she waits a little longer to take it until she is finally off of the medicine and she dies a month later Because she was sick and really was ugly, also it adds more of an effect when she dies. 2. Because she was sick and really was ugly, also it adds more of an effect when she dies. From the early description of Mrs. Dubose, we understand that she is a very selfish, and she don’t like black people. It gives you a dislike for her instantly.
However, later, we learn she wants to die free of her addiction, and we learn that she is brave and strong. The author does this (as in several other instances in the novel) to remind us people are good and bad and that people should not be judged on the surface. 3Atticus tells Scout that n——lover is just one of those terms that do not mean anything and that ignorant, trashy people use it when they think somebody’s favoring Negroes over and above themselves when they want a common, ugly term to label somebody. Atticus goes on to say that he is indeed n——lover, because he does his best to love everybody.
Atticus says that Mrs. Dubose has the most courage of any person he has ever known. He holds this opinion because she had the courage to fight and overcome her addiction to morphine. Atticus Finch really had no choice in defending Tom Robinson. He knew that he couldn’t hold his head up around town, that if he had turned down the case, he wouldn’t be able to tell his own children what to do and have them listen to He was appointed to the case but he wants to try and defend him because he thinks everyone should have the same chance