Time is money Essay

‘Time is money’ a quote by Benjamin Franklin, US first millionaire, is a proposition that stresses the importance of time and the need to use it wisely. Time is the most valuable thing in the world, that once it has been wasted, it can never be recovered. So, by this idea it implies that time is more valuable than money itself, money can be exchanged back and forth and if you lose it you can gain it back by working hard.

Some people view time as minutes, hours, days, but I view time as opportunities waiting to happen.

We commonly run into people who may have wasted their time in trivial pursuits and then realized later in life that they have achieved nothing at all. These people are like the grasshopper in the ‘Ant and the Grasshopper’ story, if you have not read it story, the moral is working hard pays, in which the ant prepares for the future, while the grasshopper just lays around.

Every second we waste, we are losing our rewards of our own productivity. People who don’t understand the value of time will never obtain a good future. For example, if one comes in late to work every day, one will be fired.

If one keeps important clients waiting, it will result in loss of business. So we must acknowledge the value of time not only ours but everyone around us. Procrastinating things for another day are all these are habits that will leave you nothing to show in the future. Some people spend all their free time watching TV, talking on the phone.

This does not create opportunities it steals the time we have with nothing to show for it. Success and material prosperity comes only to those who understand the value and importance of time. That is why it is said that ‘time is money’ so in other words put in the time wisely you will get the success you desire.

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