This iresearch ipaper igive ia icomprehensive iunderstanding iof ithe isituation iof iMedia iin iMali. iThe imain istream isystem iof ithe icountries iwhich iare iradio, itelevision iand inewspaper iare iseparately ianalyzed. iAgain, ithe ipaper ibrowses ithe iimpact iof ithe isecurity isituation ion ithe ifield iof imedia iin iMali, ihaving ia ilook iat ithe imultiples iassociation iintervening iin ithe iprotection iof ithis iprofession iand ialso ithe iprofessionals. iThe imain itelevision iand iradio istation iworking iin ithe icountry iare ianalyzed. i
Keywords i: iJournalist, iMedia, iRadio, iNewspaper, iTelevision, iStream, iJournalism.
The iFrench icolonizers irealized iearly ion ithat ithe ipress icould ibe iof igreat iuse iin ithis ibusiness iof iconquest iand idomination. iSo iin iall iits icolonized istates iFrance ihad iits imedia ioutlets idisseminating imessages. iDuring ithe ilast iyears iof ithe icolonial iperiod i(until i1960) isome ipolitical iparties iand iunions icreated itheir iown ipublications iallowing ifor isome ilevels iof
ipluralism iof ivoices iin ithe icountry. iThe inational iradio iof iMali iwas iestablished iin i1957 ias ia istate iinstitution.
iDuring ithe iperiod ifrom iindependence iin i1960 ito ithe imilitary icoup iin i1968 ithere iwere iseveral iattempts ito icreate inew ipublications. iHowever, iafter ithe icoup, imany iclosed iand iothers iwere iheld iunder ithe icontrol iof ithe imilitary. iWith imultiparty idemocratic ielections iin i1991 iand ia iliberalization iof ithe imedia imarket iin i1992, ithe imedia ilandscape iwas iradically itransformed iwith inew ipublications iand ithe icreation iof iprivate iradios iacross ithe icountry. iThis iwas ia iperiod iin iwhich imedia ioutlets iclearly iidentified iwith idifferent ipolitical iparties. iThis inew idynamic ifostered ithe icreation iof inew imedia ilaws iand ia icode iof iethics. iAlso, ithe iconstitution iof iFebruary i1992 iincludes ireferences ito ifreedom iof ithe ipress iand iinformation. i Before ithe ievents iof i2012, iMali ihad ia ithriving imedia isector iand ia iregulation imostly ifavorable ito iFreedom iof iExpression. iMalian imedia idevelopment ihas ibeen iheld ias ia iregional imodel iand ireceived istrong itechnical iand ifinancial isupport ifrom iinternational iand iregional iorganizations. iDespite ithis, iaccording ito iMamadou iKaba, ithe imanaging idirector iof iRadio iTelevision idu iMali: iThe iMalian imedia istill ihas itwo ifaces: ion ithe ione ihand ithat iof ia ivibrant iand ifree ipress iwhich iis inot isubjected ito icensorship, iseizure, ior iarrests iand, ion ithe iother ihand ithat iof ia ipress icharacterized iby iexcesses iand igrave iviolations iof ithe ilaw iand iethics iof ithe iprofession, iin icomplete iimpunity. iWith ithe icurrent icrisis iand iensuing ieconomic iinstability, imedia ioutlets iare inow imore ipolitically iinfluenced iand idivided ithan iever. iBefore ithe iconflict, iself-censorship iand ipolitically iinfluenced imedia iexisted iside iby iside iwith ifavorable imedia ilaws. iInfluence ion imedia iwas iexerted ithrough icoercion, iabuse iof ithe inational ibudget ifor istate iadvertising, ior iby imodifying itax iconditions iof ispecific imedia ioutlets. iPrior ito i2012, ijournalists iexercised ivarying ilevels iof iself-censorship. iOn ione ihand, ithey iwere iinfluenced iby ireligious iand isocial inorms. i
During ilate i2011, iMalis imedia ibegan ito ipractice iself-censorship iin irelation ito iprotests iagainst ia inew iconservative ifamily ilaw. iThe inew ilaw iwas ihardly ireported ion iin ithe imedia. iA ipress iconference iwas iorganised iby iwomens iand ihuman irights iassociations iat ithe iumbrella iorganisation iMaison ide ila iPresse iin iOctober i2011 iwhich iall imedia ioutlets iattended, ibut ionly ione ismall, iunknown inewspaper ireported ion ithe iissue. iThe imedia ifeared ithe iwrath iof iradical iMuslims iwho ihad idemonstrated iin ifavour iof ithe iconservative ifamily ilaw. iDuring i2012, ithe icoup idealt ia iblow ito ifreedom iof imedia iand iexpression. iWhile ichaotic iconditions iplagued inorthern iMali, iviolations iof ifreedom iof ithe ipress iin isouthern iMali, iparticularly iin ithe icapital, iwere iconsiderable iin ithe ifirst ifour imonths ifollowing ithe icoup. iIn iaddition i ias ia iregulatory iconsequence iof ithe icoup iin iFebruary i2012 ia inew iaudio-visual ilaw iwas ipromulgated, ibut ithe icoup iand ithe igeneral ipolitical icrisis istopped iits iimplementation. iMedia idemographics ireflect ia imulti-linguistic iand imulti-ethnic imedia iscene. i Despite ithe inumerous imedia ioutlets imost inewspapers ionly icirculate iin iBamako iand iin ithe imain icities. iRadio icontinues ito ibe ithe imain imedia iwith ithe iwidest ioutreach. iPrior ito ithe iconflict, iradio icoverage ireached i90% iof ithe ipopulation. iThe ibroadcasting iis isplit ibetween iprivate icommunity iradios, inon-commercial iradios, icooperatives, iand istate iand iprivate iradios iof ia icommercial inature. iRadio iplays ian iimportant irole idue ito iMalis iadult iliteracy irate iof i26% icommunity iradios ibroadcast iin ilocal ilanguages iin irural iareas iand iare iimportant isources iof iinformation iwith ia ihigh ilevel iof ilegitimacy. Since ithe idemocratic iprocess iof i1991 ibegan iand iup ito i2011 iMali idid inot isee iany ijournalists iprosecuted iand icases iof iviolence iwere irare. iThe isecurity isituation iof ijournalists ideteriorated irapidly iduring ithe ilast itwo iyears, iboth iin ithe inorth iand ithe isouth. iThere iare inow ino imechanisms iin iplace ifor ithe iprotection iof ijournalists iand ithe irelationship ibetween imedia iand ithe isecurity iforces iis icharacterized iby idistrust. iMalian imedia ialso isuffers ifrom ilack iof iprofessionalism iand itraining. iThis iis ireflected iin ithe iquality iof ithe itreatment iof iinformation ithat irarely iincludes iserious iinvestigative ijournalism. iThere iis ia icode iof iconduct iin iplace ifor ijournalists, ibut iit iis imostly iignored iand itight ieconomic iconditions iand ilow isalaries imake ijournalists iprone ito icorrupted ipractices; ithere iare iseveral itypes iof imedia iin iMali, ithese ineeds ito ibe ianalyzed iseparately. i
? Radio:
Radio iis ithe imost iprominent imedia iin iMali ias ithe imain inewspapers iand ipublications iare ionly idistributed iin iBamako iand iother ilarge icities. iSince ithe iliberalization iof ithe iairwaves iin i1992 ithe inumber iof iprivate iradios ihas imultiplied iexponentially. iAt ithe ionset iof i2012, iapproximately i500 ilicenses ihave ibeen iissued iby ithe igovernment ito icreate iassociative, icommercial iand icommunity iradios. iBefore ithe iconflict ithere iwere i369 idifferent iprivate iradios ioperating iin ithe icountry iconforming ito ithe iregulatory iframework. iThese iradios iprovided icoverage ito iapproximately i80% iof ithe ipopulation. iIn ithe icity iof iBamako ialone ithere iwere i16 iprivate iradios iand itwo ipublic iones. iIn iSikasso, ithere iwere i52 iradios, iin iKayes ithere iwere i47 iradios, iin iKoulikoro ithere iwere i35, iand iin iSegou ithere iwere i55. iIn iaddition, ithere iwere ieight ipublic iregional iradios ifrom ithe iMalian iOffice iof iRadio iand iTelevision iBroadcasting i(ORTM). iAs ia iconsequence iof ithe iconflict iin ithe inorth, iprivate iand ipublic iradios ioperate ialmost ionly iin ithe isouth iof ithe icountry. iIn ithe inorth isome iradios ihave ibeen itaken iover ior ico-opted iby isome iof ithe irebel igroups. iThere iis ia iwide inetwork iof icommunity iradios idivided iin iseveral iassociations. iThe imost iimportant iis ithe iUnion iof iFree iRadios iand iTelevision iof iMali i(Union ides iRadios iet iTelevisions iLibres idu iMali, iURTEL) iwhich iis ian iumbrella iorganisation iof iapproximately i250 iradios. iThere iare itwo iother inetworks: iKayira ithat icounts i16 iradios iand iTDM inetworks ithat icovers i17 iradios. iThese iradios iprovide ifundamental iinformation iin ilocal ilanguages iand ienjoy ihigh ilevels iof itrust iwithin ithe icommunities ithey ioperate iin. iDespite ithe iwide iradio icoverage iin ithe icountry, imost iradios ido inot icomply iwith ibasic itechnical iand iethical istandards. iThey iare icharacterised iby inonprofessional istaff, ilack iof iequipment iand isafety imeasures iand ilack iof ifinancial iresources. iForeign iradio icontent i- isuch ias ithat iof iRadio iFrance iInternationale i(RFI), iBBC iAfrica, iDeutsche iWelle iand iVoice iof iAmerica i(VOA) i- iare irelayed iby iMalian iradio iwithout ibeing icovered iby iany itype iof iregulation. iIn iaddition, ithe iORTM iradios irelay icontent ifrom iRadio iBeijing, iRadio iFrance iInternationale, iLa iRadio iAFRICA iN°1, iand iBBC iAfrica.
? Newspapers:
There iwere iover i300 inewspaper ilicenses iissued ifor iprivate inewspapers, ibut iat ithe iclosing
iof ithis ireport ionly i30 idailies iand iweeklies iappear iregularly. iAll inewspaper idistribution iis igeographically ilimited ito inewsstands iin ithe icity iof iBamako. iEven ibefore ithe icrisis, i90% iof ithe inewspapers iwere icirculated ionly iin iBamako. iCirculation inumbers iare ilow iwith i300 ito i1,500
icopies iprinted ia iday. iThere iare ialso iregional ipublications iin ithe imain ilocal ilanguages isuch ias iBambara, iFula iand iSoninke. iThe ionly inational inewspaper iin iFrench, iLEssor, iis istate-owned. iThe iimpact iof iprint imedia iis ilimited idue ito ithe ilow iliteracy irate.
? Television:
Mali istill idoes inot ihave iregulation icovering iprivate iTV ichannels. iTV ireception iis ilimited iin imany iareas iof ithe icountry idue ito ia ilack iof ielectricity iand iTV isets. iCurrently, ithere iare itwo ipublic ichannels ilocated iin iBamako icity i(TM2 iand iAfricable iTV) iand ione inational iTV ichannel. iORTM irebroadcasts isatellite-received icontent ifrom i150 iinternational ichannels.
? Internet iand isocial imedia:
Mali iranks iin ithe ibottom iten iof ithe icountries iin ithe iworld iwith ithe ilowestlevels iof iinternet iconnectivity. iAccording ito ithe iInternational iTelecommunications iUnion i(ITU) ithere iwere i414,985 iinternet iusers iin iMali ias iof iDecember i2011, irepresenting ia itotal iof i2.9% iof ithe ipopulation, iwith iaccess ionly iavailable iin imajor icities. iThere iare ionly ia ifew ionline ipublications iwith ivery ilittle iimpact. iA inumber iof ijournalists ihave iutilized itheir ipersonal iFacebook ipages ito iupload itheir iarticles, ibut idue ito ithe ilow ilevels iof iinternet ipenetration, ithis ihad ialso ihad ia ilow iimpact. iHowever, ithe iinternet ihas iprovided imedia iand ijournalists iwith iaccess ito iinternational icontent iwhich ihas imultiplied itheir isources iof iinformation. i There iis istill ino ilegislation iin iMali ithat icovers inew imedia iand ithere ihave ibeen ino icases iof ijournalists iprosecuted ifor ionline ipublication. iIn ithe inorthern ipart iof iMali iwhere iinternet iconnection ihas ibeen ilimited iand iwhere ithe iIslamist igroups ihave iclosed icybercaf?s, ithere iis istill ia ipossibility iof iaccess ithrough iphone inetworks.
? State imedia:
There iare itwo ipublic istate imedia ioutlets iadministered iand ifinanced iby ithe istate. iThey iare isupposedly iautonomous, ibut ieconomically idependent ion ithe igovernment. iDuring ithe icoup iin iMarch i2012 itheir ipremises iwere itaken iover iby ithe imilitary iwhich iwas iseeking icontrol iof
icontent iand imanagement iof ithe istations. iThe iMalian iOffice iof iRadio iand iTelevision iBroadcasting i(ORTM) iwas icreated iin i1992 iand iis itasked iwith ithe imission ito idesign, iproduce iand ibroadcast iall iprogrammes ion iradio iand itelevision ito imeet ithe ineed ifor iinformation, ieducation iand ientertainment iof ithe ipublic. iIt idevelops iits iproductions iand imaintains iits iown iequipment, inetworks iand itransmission ifacilities. i iORTM iruns:
iA inational iTV ichannel
iOne ilocal iTV ichannel iin iBamako
iRadio iMali, ia inational iradio
iEight iradio istations iin iregional icapitals. iThe ithree iradio istations ilocated iin ithe inorth i(in iTimbuktu, iGao iand iKidal) ihave ibeen idestroyed ior icancelled iby iarmed igroups isince iFebruary i2012. iThe istate iradio ibroadcasts iin iFrench ias iwell ias iin iten ilocal ilanguages. iORTM itransmits iits iprogrammes iin iBamako iand ithe irest iof ithe icountry iby isatellite ithrough ia inetwork icalled iSotelma. iIt ialso idisseminates iits iprograms iinternationally iby isatellite ito ithe irest iof iAfrica, iEurope, ithe iMiddle iEast, iand iNorth iAmerica ito icater ifor iMalians iabroad. iThe iMalian iPress iand iAdvertising iAgency i(AMAP) iis ithe ipublic iand ionly inational inews iagency iwith i50 icorrespondents iand icoverage iin ialmost iall iterritories iprior ito ithe iconflict iin ithe inorth. iIt ialso iprovides idomestic inews ipieces ito idifferent imedia ioutlets.
The iliberalization iof ithe imedia isector iled ito ia imultiplication iof imedia ioutlets iand iresulted iin ia iscore iof iyoung ijob iseekers iturned ijournalists iwho iwere inot ieducated ireporters. iAccording ito iBr?hima iTour?, ia ijournalist iLEssor, iless ithan i10% iof ithe iactive ijournalists ihave igraduated ifrom ijournalism ischool iand ithis iaffects ithe iquality iof itheir ioutput. iDespite ithe ifact ithat ia icode iof iconduct ihas iexisted isince i1991, ionly ifew ijournalists iwork iin iaccordance iwith iprofessional istandards, iand iinformation iprocessing iis irandom. iDissemination iof iunverified iinformation itakes iplace iregularly iand iso idoes ithe iuse iof imedia ioutlets ito icarry iout ipersonal iattacks. iThere iare ialso iexamples iof ijournalists, ihowever, ithat imake ian ieffort ito iprovide igood iquality ijournalism. iBesides ithe ipolitical iinfluence ion imedia, iother ifactors iinfluencing ithe iquality iof ithe iinformation iis ithe ipoor iqualification iof ijournalists, ilow iwages, iabsence iof ijob isecurity iand icollective iagreements. iThere iare ihigh ilevels iof iself-censorship idue ito isocial iand icultural ireasons ias iWell ias ijob isecurity iand iphysical isafety. iThere ialso, imore ithan i50 imedia iassociations iand iprofessional imedia inetworks iin iMali. i iThose iare imeant ito iact iand iprotect ithe iinterests iof itheir imembers. iThe imain iassociations iare:
? The iNational iUnion iof iJournalists iof iMali i(UNAJOM) iis ithe ifirst iassociation icreated iin iMali. iIt iis ialso ia imember iof ithe iUnion iof iJournalists iof iWest iAfrica, ia isub-regional iorganization ? The iAssociation iof iJournalists ifor ithe iPromotion iof iProfessionalism iinvolving ijournalists i(AJPP)
? The iMalian isection iof ithe iAssociation iof iProfessional iAfrican iCommunication i(APAC i/ iMali) ? The iMalian isection iof ithe iInter-professional iUnion iof iJournalists iFrench
(UPF i/ iMali)
? The iAssociation iof iSport iJournalists iof iMali i(AJSM) ? The iOrganization iof iYoung iReporters iof iMali i(ORJM) ?