The fundamental meaning of these statements is that in any organization, the workers are the biggest asset an institution can have towards meeting all its set goals and consumer satisfaction. Workers leaving a given business might be replaced physically; however, their job skills and working skills cannot be correctly restored by the individual replacing them since every person have varied skill-set and experience (Harting, 2010). It is thus essential that organizations embrace and recognizes that valuing their workers as critical assets should be articulated in a full-fledged way. The worker’s ways of thinking, skills, abilities, and experience are considered the invaluable and intangible assets in satisfying the underlying consumer wants. Businesses such as the Virgin Mobile have embraced Richard Branson’s quote where their employees are the company’s esteemed priority which in turn have worked so well for the organization thus making maximum profits and meeting all the customer’s wants.
Harting, D. (2010). Employees-your most valuable asset. Retrieved September, 24, 2010.