The Movie TROY Assignment

The Movie TROY Assignment

HIS 101 Summer 2020

Americans love our history. From time to time, people like to alter or even make up stories in our past. One of the best descriptions of “altering the past” can be viewed in many of Hollywood’s historical films. While directors have the ability to keep films historically accurate, they typically enjoy adding drama or action when necessary. Historians also struggle with stories passed down through generations with no credible evidence (i.e. letters or documents) to support these stories.

For this assignment, you are required to use the film (TROY) and explain its accuracies and inaccuracies in a two-page paper. One-half of a page should be a summary of the movie. The remaining portion of your paper should focus on a minimum of two accuracies and two inaccuracies. Each accuracy and inaccuracy you discuss should have a legitimate source to prove the validity of your point. You can focus on the film as a whole or select a specific character or place described in the film, as long as the person or place actually exists or existed during that time. As an example, you could argue that in the movie Forest Gump, Tom Hanks (as Forest Gump) inaccurately portrays Paul “Bear” Bryant coaching the Alabama football team. After that statement, you would need to further explain the inaccuracies and incorporate (using actual evidence) what he actually did during this time in history. Remember that if you take information from any source word-for-word, it must be quoted and a footnote must be provided.

Prior to working on your paper, you must have your film selection approved! Selections must be submitted via email no later than Sunday, July 5 at 11:59 pm.

This is a two-page, double-spaced paper in 12-point font. The font must be Calibri or Times New Roman, not Comic Sans MS or Wingdings with one-inch margins on all sides. You are required to have a cover page with the title of your movie, your name and the date. This paper must be turned in by Sunday, July 12 at 11:59 pm on Canvas! There are no exceptions!

Citations and Bibliography

Any direct quote (three or more consecutive words) from any book, article, website or source must be placed in quotation marks and cited with a footnote or endnote with the specific page range.  If you paraphrase a source, you should also cite it with a footnote or endnote and its corresponding page numbers.

Citations must follow the Turabian style, located below. 

Please note that there are different styles of citing books, articles and websites for footnotes and bibliography.

Plagiarism will result in a failing grade. It is your responsibility to understand plagiarism and how to avoid it.  If you are unsure, ask me and I will help you.

This paper is worth 15% of your final grade.  

Sample footnotes

This list includes some of the more basic entries for notes.  It does not cover every type of note.  If you are unsure, consult Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 6th Ed 

Do not skip lines between footnotes.

Single author

1 John Hope Franklin, George Washington Williams: A Biography (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985), 54.  (The title may be underlined instead of italicized.)

Author’s work in another work

2 Homer, The Iliad, in Sources of the Western Tradition, 5th ed. vol. 1 From Ancient Times to the Enlightenment, ed. Marvin Perry, Joseph R. Peden and Theodore H. Von Lau (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003), 49. 

Subsequent reference to an already cited work: 

3 Franklin, 56. (Use author’s last name and page or last name and shortened form of title if you are using more than one work by the same author.)

Editor as author

4 Robert von Hallberg, ed., Canons (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984), 225.

Article in a journal

5 Richard Jackson, “Running down the Up-Escalator: Regional Inequality in Papua New Guinea,” Australian Geographer 14 (May 1979): 180.

Author’s works contained in collected works

6 The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ed. W. G. T. Shedd, vol. 1 Aids to Reflection (New York: Harper & Bros., 1884), 18.

Component part by one author in a work by another

7 Mary Higdon Beech, “The Domestic Realm in the Lives of Hindu Women in Calcutta,” in Separate Worlds: Studies of Purdah in South Asia, ed. Hanna Papanek and Gail Minault (Delhi: Chanakya, 1982), 115.

Generic format for source from the Internet

Author’s first and last name, “Title of Short Work,” Title of Complete Work and publication data if available, Name of the Internet site, date of site if given, <Site’s URL> (Date of access in parentheses).

Example from Internet

8 Michael W. Conner and Raymond A. Silverman, “African Art the Internet,” African Arts 32(Summer 1999), H-Net, http://2.h-net.msu/about/press/internet.html (accessed 9 February 2005). 

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