- Read the case The Market Approach to Organ Shortages
- Draw supply and demand curves for the U.S. Organ market and compare the U.S. market to the market in a country where selling organs is legal.
- Respond to the following questions:
- What are some arguments against using the price system to allocate organs?
- Should foreigners have the right to buy U.S. organs and U.S. citizens have the right to buy foreign organs? Explain your answer in terms of economics.
- Study the following Biblical verses that deal with a Biblical view of wealth: Luke 16:10-11, I Timothy 5:8, and Deuteronomy 8:18, and respond to the following prompts:
- What is wealth according to God’s word?
- What should an individual do with the wealth and prosperity that God has provided?
- What are the differences between a Christian perspective and a secular perspective on wealth creation and the use of wealth?