Term Paper on
Ubiquitous Computing Security Issues and Redress
Submitted to
Amity Institute of Information Technology
In partial fulfilment of the requirements for award of the degree of
Master of Computer Applications
Submitted ToSubmitted By
Dr Himanshu GuptaAshwani Kumar
Associate ProfessorA1000718042
AIIT AUUP Noida2018-2021
I, Ashwani Kumar, student of MCA hereby declare that the seminar titled Ubiquitous Computing Security Issues and Redress, which is submitted by me to Ginni Sehgal, Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, in partial fulfilment of requirement of the award of the degree of Master of Computer Applications, has not been previously formed basis for the award of any degree, diploma or other similar title or recognition.
The Author attests that permission has been obtained for the use of any copy righted material appearing in the Dissertation / Paper report other than brief excerpts requiting inly proper acknowledgement in scholarly writing and all such use is acknowledged.
Place Noida
Ashwani Kumar
Enrollment No: A1000718042
Semester: 3Course: MCA
I hereby certify that the Project Report by Ashwani Kumar, student of MCA III having Enrol.
No. A1000718042 with the title Ubiquitous Computing Security Issues and Redress which is submitted to Amity Institute of Information Technology Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree Master of Computer Applications is an original contribution with existing knowledge and faithful record of work carried out by her under my guidance and supervision and to the best of my knowledge this work has not been submitted in part or full for any Degree or Diploma to this University or elsewhere.
Place: Noida
Date: Dr Himanshu Gupta
Designation: Associate Professor
Amity Institute of Information Technology
AUUP, Noida
It is high privilege for me to express my deep sense of gratitude to those entire faculty members who helped me in the completion of the project, specially my internal guide Ginni Sehgal who was always there at hour of need.
My special thanks to all other faculty members and batch mates of Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh for helping me in the completion of the project work and its report submission.
Trisha Nag
S. No. Topic Page No.
1 Abstract 7
2 Introduction 8
3 Methodology 9
4 Literature Review 10
5 Conclusion 15
6 References 17
Fig. No. Figure Name Page No.
1 Denial of Service Attack 10
2 Nmap stealth scan 11
3 A typical misuse detection system 11
Table. No. Table Name Page No.
1 Important Ports 11
2 Observations and Result 15
Ubiquitous Computing is evolving tremendously and becoming the integrated part with solutions of various application domains. Covering not only Computers and Cell phones but even Cars & Homes. This has increased the no. of users and network and chances for attackers to attack the network.
Increased need in the automation advancement of the environment is leading us towards an era with various security issues and solutions. Tons of data is produced, processed and preserved for the betterment of our race.
Computing paradigm is evolving the environment but also showcasing the network issues which can be a threat to the ecosystem and intellectual property. This leads towards unique and unexpected security challenges and unique and appropriate solution for the threats.
The increased number of network and data flowing within network is vulnerable towards malicious threats, minimizing sudden unexpected attacks can be done by identifying, prioritizing and defending the network against misuse, attacks and vulnerabilities.
Ubicomp is stepping up the conventional computing as in it the user interacts with the single computing device at a time which is connected to internet, where as in Ubiquitous Computing all the feasible devices could be connected to internet and work connectively and collectively for more advancement .This evolving technology is eliminating the time and position barrier an also becoming Intelligent so that we can design better environment. Ubiquitous Computing is used to mimic and enhance the day to day human abilities as daily tasks , medicine , education , entertainment by making our environment smarter and cooperative.
Devices are integrated with computing abilities. Computing everywhere for everything & everyone. Whole ecosystem for a person is turned into a smart ecosystem and focused on making it automated for the betterment for our race and saving time and efforts to increase efficiency. Electrical devices are made automated and connected with other devices in that network and east to use by changing using style and automation Adjust with device without whole knowledge i.e. someone who need a service doesnt needs to fully understand the system.
With the increase in networks and data the extreme points for attacks and intrusion is privacy are found and fixed with unique security solution. The devices cooperatively produce tons of data which can be used in destructive was as well as constructive way for the betterment of the system and this is leading us towards new and dynamic solution for dynamic problems. Main issues are the Security and Privacy.
Over the years, machine learning and data mining and analysis techniques have received attention in the Ubicomp. This has led to various techniques being used for the purpose of security purposes.
To gain a better understanding of the topic discussed in this paper, the methodology adopted involves an in-depth study of related study material in the form of books, research papers, journals, etc.
In the beginning, study material was gathered from various sources [see references]. This paper focuses more on books and research papers which have been published in various conferences and journals. These study materials were then read and re read to learn and have a better understanding of the topic. The internet also provided information related to the topic. Diagrams were found and added to explain the topic better in the
Drafts for the paper were made. It was corrected and added upon to complete the term paper.
In this digital era we are moving through a phase of change in convention of one computing device to multiple computing devices at once. The concept of automation is now been implemented along connectivity with other devices of the network and service provider. With Ubiquitous Computing we are enabling various services and application and implementations. Users of Ubicomp are provided with access to various networks from remote location with high portability, reliability and availability of the network with increase in security risk.
Some Services of Ubi-Comp :-
Context aware applications Designed for research and automation purposes and support in mobility and physiology of the user. Senses are provided to electrical devices with the sensors and recorded data is processed for the solution made for satisfying the need.
Smart tool-box Devices with RFIDs and network connectivity are used for the reconfiguration and schema selection for the devices.
Ubiquitous Healthcare A economizing step for healthcare resources by using healthcare ubiquitous healthcare devices for tracking , monitoring and suggesting health related and disease related data which could lead to a healthy future.
Smart Supply Chain With the help of Ubiquitous Computing in the industries can decrease the error counts and make the work faster and efficient.
Smart Home Integrating Ubiquitous Computing with Homes is creating and further controlling array of automated household devices remotely regardless anyone is home or not. Smart Homes results in security upgrade, energy efficiency and convenience at all times regardless location.
With the increase in need of the automation and ubicomp the No. of devices connected to internet and the data produced is multiplied. Figures shows the increase rate of devices
With such increase rate of devices the number of networks around us are multiplying too which makes all these changes possible for advancement. And whenever the network is included there are chances for the intrusion and threats for data loss and privacy issues. Which is keeping the world a step behind from whole automation.