Technology has great potential for improving the quality of care provided in Essay

Technology has great potential for improving the quality of care provided in healthcare organizations. Health care managers who implement technologies such as electronic health records benefit from an improved ability to meet the demands of patients as well as greater transparency and seamless sharing of information between different health organizations. Continuous implementation of technology in healthcare leads to consistent quality improvements as long as healthcare managers spend the time to learn how to leverage the new technologies for better health outcomes and increased patient satisfaction.

Technology has enabled healthcare managers to ensure the continuous improvement of health. The overarching goal of including technology in healthcare is to improve patient outcomes. Technology has also led to significant improvement in other areas of healthcare such as care delivery, research, and drug development. Integration with health technology helps healthcare managers to support effective healthcare by putting the patient first (Agboola, Bates, & Kvedar, 2016). The implementation of technology in healthcare allows greater levels of efficiency in delivering quality care, leading to greater levels of patient satisfaction.

Even though the short-term costs of integrating technology into healthcare may seem prohibitive, it pays off tremendously in the long term, as healthcare managers are able to sustain achievements in quality and customer experience.One of the most important aspects of healthcare today is data, healthcare organizations generate tremendous amounts of data in their interaction with patients; managing this data in an efficient way using the old paper based systems was a challenge. One of the areas of healthcare where the integration of technology has been instrumental in enabling healthcare managers to improve healthcare delivery is through technological systems such as electronic medical records, which make the process of storing, retrieving, and keeping track of data seamless (Lee, et al., 2015). Modern healthcare managers need the technological data systems that enable seamless billing, reporting, and maintenance of health records to succeed. Integration of technology in healthcare has been particularly useful in ensuring improvement in data transparency, meaningful measurements and enhanced communications. Patients live in a world where any information that they need they can get using a simple internet search, as such they expect no less from their healthcare providers. Patients appreciate seamless access to information about their health.As technological tools continue to get smarter and more capable, the potential for technological integration in clinical and non- clinical settings only increases. By far the most pivotal integration of technology on the role of the healthcare manager is enabling the efficient storage and retrieval of health records. In the past, health care managers might have had to maintain vast storage cabinet and ensure the meticulous filing of patient records; this was bulky expensive and inefficient compared with current health technologies such as electronic medical records which make the process of storing patient information frictionless.By making it easy to store and retrieve health related information, the integration of technology into healthcare had helped to remove information silos in healthcare. Managers are able to oversee seamless communication between different departments in a healthcare organization, thus enabling better handling of patients. By removing the information silos that exist in healthcare through implementing technology to help manage data, healthcare managers are able to save time, reduce risk, and optimize resources. Healthcare organizations spend less time looking for the relevant data and more time focusing on catering to patients, this leads to significant improvements in patient outcomes.One of the most important responsibilities of a healthcare manager is to ensure accurate billing. The integration of technology in healthcare to manage data helps ensure accuracy and completeness of every bill that a healthcare organization sends out. It can be difficult for healthcare organizations to ensure accurate billing due to problems such as information silos, time lag, and several disparate processes. For instance, consider a clinical documentation specialist charged with a health manger to ensure accurate coding of patient information and accurate billing, if this specialist needs to find information about a particular patient. The specialist might have to log into different systems and copy the data or send a clinician and remember to follow up on the request; this creates time lag and makes the possibility of an error very likely leading to inaccurate bills and patient dissatisfaction. However, the integration of technology into healthcare in recent years has made it possible to automate the process of coding analysis, enabling healthcare providers to quickly review all cases and ensure consistently accurate billing. Implementation of technology to improve coding has the advantage of ensuring accuracy and speed in billing as well as reducing the need to hire personnel to monitor the billing process; this frees up resources that healthcare mangers can spend elsewhere to further improve the quality of healthcare delivery.Aside from ensuring accurate billing and coding of health information, the integration of technology in healthcare in recent years has taken many forms. One of the integrations of technology in healthcare is electronic medical records. Electronic medical records have made the process of managing healthcare organizations significantly easier with improvements in critical areas of healthcare information management such as data entry and multi user access. Electronic medical records enable the sharing of information between different healthcare organizations enabling patients to receive prompt healthcare (Agboola, Bates, & Kvedar, 2016). Electronic medical records also enable nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals to work together efficiently through seamless access to patient information, this enables them to provide the best treatment possible, leveraging the information provided by the electronic medical records to reduce guesswork. Electronic medical records make it possible to store and retrieve various types of patient data such as lab test results, patient allergy information, pre-existing conditions, and medical imaging; seamless sharing of this information improves the time it takes to deliver patient treatment,Another way technology has been integrated in healthcare to enable healthcare managers improve healthcare delivery is through Tele-health. Tele-health enables the transmitting of patient information through several devices given to the patient. Tele-health devices record information such as blood glucose levels, heart rate, weight, and blood pressure at specific intervals, and transmit this data digitally to healthcare providers. Healthcare providers who use Tele-health technology can monitor the health information and assess the condition of the patient without having to get patients to go to the healthcare centers. Tele-health technology can expedite the process of treating and diagnosing patients thus vastly improving the productivity of healthcare organizations as well as the quality of care that patients receive (Wager & Glaser, 2017). Tele-health is also especially useful for patients who have difficulty traveling, enabling them to receive diagnosis without having to travel to healthcare centers.Another beneficial integration of technology into healthcare in recent years is personal health records. Personal health records include the personal health information of any patients and includes information such as current history of health, medications taken, drug allergies and ongoing medications; this information is made available to all authorized healthcare professionals and thus enables quick diagnosis. Personal health records are more patient oriented and contain the patients’ lifelong medical data enabling doctors and nurses to have an in depth view of the patient’s history that goes into informing health decisions and expediting the process of diagnosis (Wager & Glaser, 2017).The integration of technology in healthcare improves the quality of care and ability of healthcare managers to ensure consistently improving healthcare standards. Usually, the challenge of implementing new healthcare technology often falls on the healthcare manager; training is nescearry to ensure that a health organization is getting all the stated benefits from the technology, otherwise a healthcare organization may be unable to recoup the money spent to acquire the technology.‹One of the most important pieces of healthcare technology in recent years is electronic medical records. According to the government, electronic health records can be considered the digital alternatives to the paper charts that clinicians maintain to keep track of patient information (Lee, et al., 2015). Healthcare organizations use electronic medical records to improve the process of treatment and diagnosis. Using electronic medical records as opposed to paper charts has numerous benefits as it makes the data more versatile and useful because it can be shared easily between healthcare organizations, thus facilitating seamless care.By implementing electronic medical records, healthcare managers make it possible to track patient data over an extended period and across multiple healthcare organizations, as such, electronic medical records can help identify the patient whose checkup is due as well as monitor critical patient metrics such as blood pressure and vaccinations. The use of electronic medical records enables healthcare organizations to provide pertinent and precise care. One of the significant implications of the use of electronic medical records is that they are universal; thus, instead of having different charts in multiple health facilities; a patient only has one electronic chart accessible to any facility through electronic medical record software.A positive implication of the adoption of electronic medical records is that a healthcare organization will get to experience a decrease in expenditure due to the efficiencies gained from leveraging the electronic records instead of paper charts. The lowered expenditure that health managers get to enjoy after implementing electronic health records stems from improved diagnostics and accurate billing services, which translate to less penalties. Electronic medical records also improve the quality of patient care; this is because EMR systems enable healthcare professionals to make diagnosis based on a wealth of patient history information; this detailed information enables healthcare organizations to provide efficient, safe, and personalized care.Several key drivers for adoption push healthcare managers to implement electronic health records, for instance, one of the key drivers for adoption is the possibility of gaining financial benefits over the long term due to the efficiencies that EMR’s ensure. Even though the short term costs of implementing EMR may seem high, in the long term the EMR systems pay for themselves through savings made due to a healthcare organization able to ensure speed, quality and accuracy in diagnosing, treating, billing and providing after care services.Another driver for adoption of electronic medical records is the law. The patient protection and affordable care act enacted under President Obama contains legislation that mandates all healthcare organizations in the United States of America have to implement and ensure meaningful use of electronic medical records in order to qualify for critical government subsidies and health insurance plans. Government policy and regulation is one of the strongest drivers for adoption of electronic medical records as it makes the operation of institution without EMR’s progressively difficult by locking them out of crucial funding and support from insurers (Agboola, Bates, & Kvedar, 2016).Other key driver for adoption of electronic medical systems include the possibility of making fewer medical errors and the ability to maintain efficient workflows that ensure prompt and quality healthcare. When patient information is digitized in electronic medical records, it becomes easier to maintain levels of quality and efficiency. To the discerning healthcare manager interested in improving the positive reputation of a healthcare organization implementing an electronic medical record system is a no brainer. The only major drawback might be high initial costs of implementing EMR, but even this becomes less of a burden thanks to government subsidies that offset part of the costs for organizations that can demonstrate meaningful use as well as long terms savings cost due to increased efficiency.‹The use of technology in healthcare has affected customer relationship management in several ways. One of the ways technology has improved customer management in healthcare is by enabling the provision of personal service at scale. When healthcare managers use technologies such as electronic medical records, they can avail personalized care to more patients because they have the nescearry data to enable them to do so. The ability to deliver personalized care leads to significant improvement in customer satisfaction.Another way that the use of technology has affected customer relationship management is by enabling healthcare organizations to serve customers better through a better understanding of customer needs. Technology in healthcare enables healthcare providers to innately know their customers; making it possible to anticipate customer needs and cater to them more efficiently, resulting in benefits such as early detection and diagnosis. When healthcare organizations leverage technology, they put themselves in a position to begin understanding why customers may be dissatisfied and can begin addressing these problems in earnest.Another way customer interaction is positively impacted through technology is through better communication. Customers appreciate open communication in regards to their health; as such when healthcare managers implement technology, they improve their ability to communicate with patients. Patients who inquire information can receive prompt information because use of technologies such as personal health records has made the process of information retrieval seamless.Aside from affecting customer relationship management, technology has also affected quality and process improvement efforts through ensuring better and more accessible treatment. Making healthcare more accessible is a key goal of healthcare improvement. The efficiencies gained using technology are not for their own sake; instead, they should translate to improved access to healthcare for more people.Technology has also affected quality and process improvement efforts through improved care and efficiency. The use of technology in healthcare has led to significant improvement in patient care. For instance, technologies such as electronic medical records make it possible for healthcare organizations to make as few errors as possible; this translates to better care (Agboola, Bates, & Kvedar, 2016). Technology makes it possible for healthcare managers to monitor changes in quality and make the nescearry adjustments to meet needed quality standards.Technology also affects quality and improvement efforts by enabling healthcare organizations to have better disease and healthcare control. The use of software plays an instrumental role in tracking health goals and recoding information in a way that enables healthcare managers to leverage the data for better healthcare outcomes. Patients treated at healthcare organizations that implement technology enjoy greater degrees of transparency.‹I think that the biggest impact on health care managers of the future will be a need to up-skill so that managers can leverage the benefits of technology in healthcare. The multitude of health innovations that hold the potential of changing healthcare for the better will need appropriately skilled health managers who know how to extract the most benefit from the health technologies. As such, health care managers of the future must demonstrate apt technological literacy in order to adapt technology to meet healthcare needs and goals.

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