You are going to conduct a press conference to announce your event (revenue generating event that you have been using since you began the program) to the media and general public. Before doing so

You are going to conduct a press conference to announce your event (revenue generating event that you have been using since you began the program) to the media and general public. Before doing so, you need to utilize the checklist (pp. 212-218) in your text to make sure that you are prepared. You are to briefly address each of the 12 items in the checklist by identifying the responsible parties for making sure that a particular task is completed, a description of the location, etc..

A Press conference report for a revenue generating event.

An advisory note was sent to the members of the press inviting them to attend the news conference. A committee that was formed to ensure the letter reached to many media houses. The note addressed the aim of the conference, the venue and the day of the press release. A paper having a drawing of the directions was attached to the advisory note. There was also an outline of the real happenings of the actual day. There was also a person who was mandated in writing the list of those who were to attend including their phone numbers email addresses and all their contacts. The invitation was made through advertisements.

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