Strategy to use to increase the effectiveness of my database

My PICOT question was, ‘In children, how does haloperidol compare to ziprasidone in treating psychosis symptoms?’ (Melynk & Fineout-Overholt).  I started with CINAHL Plus with Full-Text database (Walden University Library). I was using the Boolean operators of ‘and’ putting in my key words: children, haloperidol, ziprasidone (Library of Congress).  It resulted in 10 different peer-reviewed articles.  I changed ‘children’ to mental health, resulting in 1 article from the CINAHL Plus with full-text database (Walden University Library).


I then searched for the APA PsycInfo database with the same Boolean operator words and came up with 15 articles (Walden University Library).  I changed the name ‘children’ to psychosis, which resulted in 26 articles under the APA PsycInfo database (Walden University Library).I felt like I had a pretty strong PICOT question.  I would probably search more databases and leave the word children out since it was pretty specific, and looking through the results only found 5 total that resulted in titles with the name children in them.  I also changed the word ‘children’ to ‘kids’ and had no results in the CINAHL Plus database (Walden University Library).  One strategy I could use to increase the effectiveness of my database search would be to change my PICOT question to just one medication, then research them individually and compare them.  I would have two different PICOT questions, ‘In children, how does haloperidol treat psychosis symptoms?’ and ‘In children, how does ziprasidone treat psychosis symptoms?’  I could also use ‘or’ instead of ‘and’ for my Boolean operators (Library of Congress).

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