Solved: Write critical analysis about facility design and planning for physician based group

Write critical analysis about facility design and planning for physician based group practices. 200 to 250 words

Expert Answer

Before even starting the design and planning of the facility, the organization must have to be very clear regarding its intended strategy. It is imperative for an architect to know such strategy and organizational policies so that it can be possible to help guide the decision-making process for the best interest of the group practice. The strategic plan should ideally cater to all external (threats and opportunities) and internal (strengths and weaknesses) factors and should also outline under the influence of these factors how the group wants to function and grow. The design and planning should be focusing long-term i.e. it should consider the future demand, required cost structure, and operational efficiency, and customer service.

The system of design and planning is also very important. it is crucial to decide who is going to participate directly in the design meetings and how they will communicate the content down the line. The person involved directly must have to have required skill and competence in the areas of design. Moreover, they should be able to gather the aggregate consensus and opinion regarding the design process and incorporate the same. Finally, the design and planning must consider customer experience and convenience and give it a high weight. The patients must feel the professional of the group by the design itself and they should feel that they have been supported in a proper manner and welcomed to remove their troubles in the facility.

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