Which diversity problem would you like to study? Why? PICK ONE of these topic areas and write one or two sentences explaining your interest in the area. (50points possible, but only if you complete the whole project) Immigrant Oppression (Chapter 4) Racism (Chapter 5) Religious Oppression (Chapter 6) White Domination (Chapter 8) Sexism (Chapter 9) Heterosexism (Chapter 10) Classism (Chapter 11) Ableism (Chapter 12)
Expert Answer
Racism is the area which I would like to study from the angle of ‘Cultural Diversity’ problem for the reason being that I believe it is better to put back the past of the ordeals and atrocities that were once caused to the Blacks due to the racism movement and to join our hands together to bring a positive change in the society. It is time to help the society re-emphasize upon establishment of racial equality in the society. Hence this topic.