. Sustainable procurement is growing in popularity. What are the driving factors, causing this trend? Why should our company care what happens to the environment in 200 years? Take either a supporting or non-supporting position on this statement and defend your position. Provide facts to support your argument.
Expert Answer
Ans: Beforegoing into the question further let us first understand the meanig of Sustainable procurement.
It is defined as taking into account social and environmental factors while making procurement decisions. In other words only financial factors should not be the sole criteria while making procurement decisions.
Driving factors causig this trend:
1. Improved Analytic Tools: Increased use of analysis gives an idea about how to minimize valuable costs for public sector organizations and the community.
2. Integrated Supply chain. Supply chain gives an idea about at what level wastage can be minimized therby ultimately reducing costs. All this gives clear indication of sustainable procurement.
3. Innovation: Due to innovation requirement in terms of minimizing costs and maximizing benefits for whole society, sustainable procurement comes into the picture.
4. Reducing the impact of hazardous substances on health and the environment alos one of the factor which leads to its popularity.
Taking Supporting position on that our company should care what happens to the environment in 200 years, i would like to state few points;
- We have received this form our acenstors and it is our duty to pass this enviorment to our next generations.
- If we dont care about the resources that are unnatural then our actions might harm those resoureces and they might get depleted. All this would be harmful for our next genearation so we need to keep a check on it.
- Lastly i believe that, instead of focusing on oneself like maximizing profit only, one should care about societyas well. It not only gives them recognition and sets them apart form other but also as a competitor or leader in market its one duty to lead from front and set an exmaple for others