In today’s turbulent environment, success depends on employees using their skills and capabilities to the fullest. Employee motivation can be a challenge at work. Those leaders who don’t emphasize employee satisfaction as a key part of the organizational strategy will not be able to leverage the potential of the human assets to the fullest.
Every person needs motivation at work. The reasons for working vary widely, but we all work because we obtain something that we need from work. This affects morale, production, retention, and overall quality of life. To create positive employee motivation, employees must have a voice and feel that they are worthy to the team and to the organization.
Based on your research
Is there a way to create and sustain a motivating environment that will also help retain talent? What is it? How does it work?
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Expert Answer
Highly motivated employees can bring about substantial increases in performance and substantial decreases in such problems as absenteeism, turnover, tardiness, strikes, and grievances. First, motivation is concerned with what activates human behaviour. Second, motivation is concerned with what directs this behaviour toward a particular goal. The third, motivation is concerned with how this behaviour is sustained.
The hierarchy of needs assumes that individuals are motivated to satisfy a number of needs and that money can directly or indirectly satisfy only some of those needs.
- The physiological needs are basically the needs of the human body that must be satisfied in order to sustain life. These needs include food, sleep, water, exercise, clothing, shelter, and so forth.
- Safety needs are concerned with protection against danger, threat, or deprivation. Since all employees have (to some degree) a dependent relationship with the organization, safety needs can be critically important. Favouritism, discrimination, and arbitrary administration of organizational policies are all actions that arouse uncertainty and therefore affect the safety needs social needs. Generally categorized at this level are the needs for love, affection, belonging—all are concerned with establishing one’s position relative to others.
- Social needs are satisfied by the development of meaningful personal relations and by acceptance into meaningful groups of individuals. Belonging to organizations and identifying with work groups are means of satisfying these needs in organizations.
- Esteem needs. The e esteem needs include both self-esteem and the esteem of others. These needs influence the development of various kinds of relationships based on adequacy, independence, and the giving and receiving of indications of esteem and acceptance.
- Self-actualization or self-fulfilment needs—that is, the needs of people to reach their full potential in applying their abilities and interests to functioning in their environment. These needs are concerned with the will to operate at the best possible level. The need for self-actualization or self-fulfilment is never completely satisfied; one can always reach one step higher.
Job satisfaction is an individual’s general attitude about his or her job. The five major components of job satisfaction are (1) attitude toward work group, (2) general working conditions, (3) attitude toward company, (4) monetary benefits, and (5) attitude toward supervision. Other major components that should be added to these five are the individual’s attitudes toward the work itself and toward life in general. THz e individual’s health, age, level of aspiration, social status, and political and social activities can all contribute to job satisfaction. Therefore, job satisfaction is an attitude that results from other specific c attitudes and factors. Job satisfaction is not synonymous with organizational morale. Organizational morale refers to an individual’s feeling of being accepted by, and belonging to, a group of employees through common goals, confidence in the desirability of these goals, and progress toward these goals.