Discuss at least 3 criteria used to select a contractor. Weigh the importance of the criteria to the overall selection process using a percentage for each. Explain your rationale for the weight you identified for each criteria.
Expert Answer
The following are three important criteria used in selecting contractors:
- Capacity to meet the requirements of the organization: This criterion helps in deciding whether the contractor is actually capable of delivering what is required.
- The quality control procedure of the contractor: This criterion helps in evaluating the quality control process of the contractor. Such an evaluation helps in ensuring that the deliverables will meet the quality requirements and the specifications of the contractor.
- Experience and Skills of the contractor in delivering such requirements: Prior experience and proven skill would help us ensure that there will be less chance of failure.
I would allocate the maximum percentage of weight to the criteria 2, which is ‘quality control procedure of the contractor’. I will allot 40% to it. quality means conformation to the requirements of the client. If the deliverables do not meet the quality requirements, then it nothing else actually matters. So, quality control will be given highest priority. Next, I will provide 30% weighting to criterion 1 (capacity) and 30% to criterion 3 (experience and skills). Both these criteria are equally important for me. I will need the required quantum. In addition, I need to make sure that the contractor has the required skills and experience.