The international organization for which you work employs approximately 180 expatriates based in Africa, Asia and Europe. As a cost-cutting exercise, the organization is considering setting up virtual global teams using ICT.
What do you think will be the main communication issues associated with this initiative?
Expert Answer
The first communication issue is related to the timing of work and related communication among the members of the virtual global team, because work timing in Arica, Asia and Europe differs at one point of time.
The second communication issue is difference in organizational practices and inclusion of these practices during the communication. So, standardization of the communication is an issue.
The third issue is the technological environment in each of the countries from where, these expatriates will operate. Due to difference in a technological environment, there will a difference in ICT technology present in these countries. So, putting everyone on the same level in terms of technology is a difficult task.
The fourth issues is the tendency of the expatriates to become acquainted with the local country’s cultural practices. It will also create differences during the communication among the virtual team members.