5482186-15113000-38100-15240000University of Santo Tomas
Junior High School
A.Y. 2019-2020
SESE, Lorenzo E. SCORE: _______________
Grade 8 St. BridgetMr. Joram Kim B. Corcuera
Why Do People Have a Problem With Time Manegement?
Why do People have a Problem with Time Management? Maybe its because of procrastination, but it is actually because people dont want to do the things they have to do.
Time Management means you can work efficiently while also maintaining extra time to do things you want to do or have to do. Whereas, having poor time management will affect your work ethic, by making your work have poor quality, and instead of having you save time itll actually waste your time. People usually complain because they cant manage their time since they have school, then they have to finish a homework. While it is hard to do things you dont want to do, you have to understand that we do this things for a reason.
Dont try to finish everything in just a single day, as if you do the finish product would probably be sloppy, and filled with mistakes, try to do things as early as you can, so you wont have to stress about it. Nowadays people are usually distracted when it comes to doing things they have to do, since they usually want to do the things they want to do. Furthermore, this is the reason why people are having problems with time management.
While there are so many tips in helping you in time management developing skills to manage you time will definitely have some improvements in managing time, it is usually always the same thing as people would try anything for them to manage their time, the best solution to time management is to make your own solution, for example, give yourself your own schedule so that you wont forget about it, maybe even an alarm. If that doesnt work, then you should prioritize on only one thing, then once youve finish it, you move on to another, until you finish, youre chances of failure increases every time you try to handle too many things at the same time. If that doesnt work then just try to plan and do things early, so you dont have to worry about it anymore, and it will give you more time to do the things you love, and if you dont have problems with time management, then try to help the people who do have it. Some people may not be able to manage their time, and some people may can, but thats okay, just try to do the best you can in the things you need or have to do.