Sampling Assignment

Below are several hypothetical research questions. Write responses to each research question.

1. You are asked to do a study on the traffic on your campus. As part of this study you have been asked to identify the frequency of speeding by those using the campus roads. What type of sample would you use? How would you select that sample? What would you need to know before that sample is selected?

2. You have been given a grant to study the citizens’ attitudes in Wilmington, Delaware with respect to noise, traffic, and minor property crimes. How would you draw a multistage cluster sample that would be representative of Wilmington?

3. Your research methods class has been given the assignment to measure the student body of your university with respect to their attitudes about the death penalty. To ensure equal representation of undergraduates, graduate students and all majors, what sampling technique would you use? How would you go about selecting that sample? What would you need to know before that sample is selected?

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