The IRAC Method
IRAC is an acronym that describes the issue, rule, application, and conclusion and it is significant in writing issues associated with law or legal claims. For instance, an individual can be presented by any complicated lawful scheme engaging a fight over property rights or other similar applications that ought to be handled lawfully. The IRAC method will be helpful in treating these issues as it allows proper breakdown, proper organizing of file work and ultimately submits a complex appropriate evaluation (Calleros, 2014). As a law student or reader of legal procedures, there are times when one is presented with a problematic degree of fact patterns, court opinions, and even legal evaluations. Understanding a given case’s facts and holdings need a proper break down of the case’s point of view and the fact scheme into smaller component portions through the use of IRAC methodology. An adequately articulated strategy to legal scrutiny is essential for some reasons; first, legal writing usually is complicated and confusing, and the IRAC method assists in breaking down complicated terminology, fact schemes, and judicial scrutiny into more natural to understand blocks of text.
Moreover, the method is designed to provide essential strategies for organizing one’s thoughts and way of thinking about legal issues. It can as well be viewed as a process or a guideline that can be designed to meet the duty at hand best. For instance, an individual might consider incorporating an extra section with the aim of enhancing clarity and proper articulation of the shared legal scrutiny (XIONG, 2010). It is also possible to reorder or delete a given part with the aim of presenting a vivid and organized summary on a given proper set-up; hence, should be considered as an appropriate guide for arranging one’s thoughts, and not a strict outline. It is also essential for one to recognize and avoid over-simplifying the outlined facts and evaluation; for instance, if a fact process is rich in detail and talks about the involvement of several parties in a possible crime or a similar case, one will consider addressing the entire potential engagement.
Concentrating on just two of the parties is likely to over-simplify both the presentation of the facts submitted and the linked proper evaluation. The method is still significant in doing a summary of a legal point of view and preparing a case brief which is, in turn, a concise summary of any formal court opinion. In many circumstances, case briefs can be utilized when carrying out a proper evaluation, preparing for a court appearance, revising for an examination and describing a given case to other people (Calleros, 2014). The strategy provides a significant method of outlining the court consideration. In summary, the IRAC methodology is substantial to the law students and in completing their law school examinations.
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Calleros, C. (2014). Legal method and writing. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
XIONG, M. H. (2010). IRAC Method and Its Logical Justification [J]. Journal of Shandong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 6.