Human Resource Management (HRM) includes the process of managing employees at work to achieve organizational goals and objectives. These goals are achieved by strategic operations with the use of cultural, structural and personal techniques (Schuler and Jackson, 2007). With the change in environment and introduction of globalization, it has become important for the organizations to enhance employees’ productivity at workplace. So, it will help to boost employees as well as organizational growth.
Research Question
In relation to this research, the following will be the research question:
“How HRM is influencing employees to enhance productivity at work and in what ways?”
Research Objective
In relation to this case, the following are the objective of this research:
To see the relationship between HRM and employees’ productivity.
To explore different elements of HRM responsible to enhance employees’ productivity. To evaluate the way of influence people for more productivity at work place. To identify the role of HRM in the growth of employees as well as organization.
Literature Review
According to Birdi, Wall and Wood (2008) HRM is a practice that enhances employees’ knowledge, skills, attitude and behavior. This enhancement helps to increase company performance. There are many ways for that such as motivate or train employees to work harder and more flexibly, encouraging the use of initiative, reducing the cost of supervision and other direct costs. As well as providing the opportunity for individuals to develop and use new knowledge and skills at work (Birdi, Wall and Wood, 2008). So, the human resource management plays a major part to increase productivity of organization.
On other hand Dysvik and Kuvaas (2008) argued about influencing employees about productivity. They said training and motivation cannot influence every employee in the same way. If employees can perceive that they are not being provided with sufficient training opportunities. It might develop higher turnover intentions (Dysvik and Kuvaas, 2008). So, from this statement it is found that perception of developmental HR practices and turnover intentions are negatively related to each other.
Employees are regarded to be the most valuable assets of a company. So, it is important for the organizations to have effective human resource management to enhance productivity of employees as well as that of the organization.
Research Methodology
Secondary source of data collection will be used to gather information regarding the research. Review of different literature, books, articles, web sources will be used as secondary source of data collection (Goddard & Melville 2004).
Potential Difficulty
Every research has some potential difficulties that affect the creditability of the research. The potential difficulty regarding this research is the time constraints and accessibility of the information sources.
Action Plan
Action plan determines the activities to be taken for the accomplishment of research. Following action plan would be there with time schedule for this research:
- Birdi, K., Wall, T.D. and Wood, S.J. (2008) The impact of human resource and operational management practices on company productivity: A longitudinal study. Personnel Psychology, 61, p.467-501.
- Dysvik, A. and Kuvaas, B. (2008) The relationship between perceived training opportunities, work motivation and employee outcomes. International Journal of Training and Development, 12 (3), p.138-157.
- Goddard, W. & Melville, S. (2004) Research Methodology: An Introduction. South Africa: Juta and Company Ltd.
- Schuler, R.S. and Jackson, S.E. (2007) Strategic human resource management 2nd ed. Singapore: Wiley-Blackwell.