Quantum State Transfer in Graphs
Dr. Hiranmoy Pal
In light of the principles of quantum mechanics, we have witnessed a new way of considering
information processing. Classically information is encoded into sequence of zeros and ones. How-
ever, in this framework, information is encrypted with quantum states or qubits of some physical
systems, such as atoms, trapped ions, etc. Several interacting physical systems makes a quantum
web that are designed to perform several tasks, particularly, transferring quantum states between
two nodes of a network.
These physical systems are essentially static entities which are considered
as nodes of a graph having edges that indicate interactions between two nodes. Typically any
control to these systems induces signi
cant amount of noise in the passed out information, and
therefore systems are maintained in minimal dynamic control. Several physical models can be
engineered in such a way that the Heisenberg Hamiltonian [10] of the underlying network becomes
the adjacency matrix, laplacian matrix, etc. Mathematically a state is represented by an unit
vector in a complex Hilbert space of dimension equals the number of nodes in the network.
evolution of a quantum state j ( t) i is described by the time-dependent Schrodinger equation
i } d dt
( t) i = H j ( t) i :
If the Hamiltonian His a time-independent operator then Schrodinger equation can easily be
solved to obtain j ( t) i = exp ( itH )j (0) iconsidering scaled Plank constant }= 1 :If jj i is the
state with one at j-th place and zero elsewhere, then fjjig forms a basis of the Hilbert space.
The probability that the initial state j (0) i= j1 i evolves to the state jN iafter time tis obtained
by jp
N (
t) j2
= jhN jexp ( itH )j1 ij 2
: The state transfer is called perfect if the
delity of transfer
jh N jexp ( itH )j1 ij = 1 :The state transfer is considered pretty good if jhN jexp ( itH )j1 ij comes
arbitrarily close to unity. Perfect state transfer (PST) was originally introduced by Bose [4] in quantum spin chains
consisting two and three particles with nearest neighbour coupling. There it is observed that both
path P
2 (the path on two vertices) and
3 (the path on three vertices) exhibit PST between the
end vertices at time 2
and p
, respectively. Later it was uncovered that such spin chains with
more than three particles never exhibits PST, however, Godsil et al. [9] surprisingly established
a number theoritic nature of state transfer classifying all such spin chains exhibiting pretty good
end to end transfer. More complex networks has been considered since the inception of quantum
state transfer. Christandl et al. [6, 7] have showed that PST occurs between particles at large
distances in Cartesian powers of P
2 and
3 at time 2
and p
, respectively. Natural questions
arise [19], whether state transfer occurs if we let more particles to interact in those Cartesian
powers P
2 and
3. A NEPS (Non-complete Extended P-Sum) is a graph product generalizing few
well known graph products, such as Cartesian product, Kronecker product, etc. In this direction,
we see several partial characterizations of PST on cubelike graphs (or NEPS of P
2) in [3, 5]. In
addition, we have contributed few characterizations of PST and pretty good state transfer (PGST)
on NEPS of P
3 in [14, 16]. Remarkably, when considering NEPS with factor graphs consisting
both P
2 and
3, several graphs have emerged admitting PGST from a vertex to two di erent
vertices, which was never possible in case of PST. Beside this we have explored the possibility of
state transfer in several class of Cayley graphs. In contrust, an integral graph is which there is
only integer eigenvalues. A complete caharcterization of State transfer in integral circulant was
unearthed by Ba si c [1]. Among other circulant graphs, we have uncovered that a cycle exhibits
PGST if an only if the consisting number of vertices is a power of two (see [15]). We have further
built up results and obtained more general circulant graphs exhibiting state transfer in [12, 17].
In a more general scenario, we have observed in [11, 13] that there always exist a gcd-graph (a
class of integral Caley graphs de
ned by gcd) exhibiting PST whenever the size of the underlying
group is divisible by four.
1 Ob jectives
The area of research is interdisciplinary in nature. The main ob jective is to
nd graphs exhibiting
quantum state transfer between distance vertices. There are few graphs known to exhibit state
transfer. Accordingly, there are immense scopes of research in this area. We brie
y enlist some of
the possibilities of future research.
1. We have established several characterizations of PST and PGST in NEPS of P
3 in [14, 16].
It will be interesting to
nd if there is any other graphs in this class exhibiting PST or
PGST. We may also investigate NEPS of other type of graphs having state transfer.
2. In [11, 13], we have addressed few characterizations of PST in gcd-graphs, however, a com- plete classi
cation of all gcd-graphs admitting state transfer is highly desirable. In contrast,
we may investigate PST in those integral Cayley graphs which are in fact not gcd-graphs.
3. We have successively classi
ed a lot of circulant graphs exhibiting PGST in [12, 15]. We may continue our investigation and classify all circulant graphs exhibiting PGST. In general, it
is preferable to have a characterization of PGST in Cayley graphs.
4. There are few articles which discuss state transfer with respect to the Laplacian matrix instead of the adjacency matrix. Apparently, this consideration is equally relevant, and
therefore, we may examine the existence of state transfer on new families of graphs with
respect to both adjacency matrix and Laplacian matrix. If possible, we may try to uncover
new families of graphs having state transfer between vertices at distances.
2 Brief Outline of Methodology
The area of research is a relatively new, and consequently, there are very few techniques known
nd graphs exhibiting PST (or PGST). One way is to obtain explicitly the transition matrix of
a graph. After analysing the entries of the transition matrix it reveals whether the graph admits
PST (or PGST) between any pair of vertices. However, this process becomes quite impossible for
large graphs. The research mainly proceeds in the following two directions.
Spectral decomposition is often used to
nd the transition matrix of a graph. It is therefore
natural to assume that some relations on eigenvalues or eigenvectors are involved in char-
acterizing PST (or PGST) on a class graphs. A number of such results have already been
set-up for some well known class of graphs. We plan to
nd such relations on eigenvalues or
eigenvectors classifying PST (or PGST) on a new class graphs.
Some algebraic, graph theoretic or combinatorial methods may help in characterizing PST
(or PGST). It is well known that if PST (or PGST) occurs between two vertices in a
graph then it also occurs between the images of those vertices under an automorphism.
An implication to this fact is that a vertex transitive graph on odd number of vertices does
not admit PST (or PGST). Likewise, we wish to obtain results on PST (or PGST) in various
graphs using these methods.
Although the pro ject is theoretical in nature, it requires rigorous study into several examples
of graphs, which demands enormous computing power and usage of professional software like
Mathematica, Matlab, etc. Using computational data, we may gain clues to formulate new results
classifying PST (or PGST) in various graphs.
3 Signi
The study of state transfer is a rapidly growing area as it contributes to the research in quantum
information processing and cryptography (see [2, 18]). There are few graphs known to exhibit
PST or PGST, and therefore it is highly desirable to classify new families of graphs having state
transfer. Cayley graphs appear frequently in communication networks, therefore the research on
Cayley graphs in particular have tremendous importance. However, investigation into any well
known families of graphs shall produce remarkable results.
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