Research PaperDeanna GradyLiberty University July 1 2019ENG 102 B06Summer 2019Professor Rachel DownieAPA Essay

Research PaperDeanna GradyLiberty University July 1, 2019ENG 102 B06Summer 2019Professor Rachel DownieAPA writing styleI. Statement In the play, Everyman’s perception of death and the treatment of death tells of one humans journey in learning that the good and evil deeds of ones life will be accounted for individually. The journey to the knowing of whom they will be accounting to is the concern as to the how they arrived at the gates of heaven where the book of life holds all the deeds, good or bad which will tell the life story in which it took.

II. SummaryAngry with the way humans are acting on earth, God summons Death to visit with Everyman to acknowledge that judgement will take place at time of death. Coming to the realization that those deeds, good and bad, carry on through life, are the factors as to what will be the judgement of the afterlife that awaits.III. Conclusion This mortality play is a waking up call for Everyman.

As life is traveled through, the things that are done good, bad or indifferent are what will be judged when the time comes that the spirit leaves the body and the only thing standing in front of God are the deeds that have been done. God, whom sits at judgement of Everyman, who represents all humanity, has Death to convey the message that when a human dies, the deeds, good or bad, that they have performed will be judged by God. At that time, the spirit leaves the body and goes before God to be judged of the deeds that have been done while the body was on earth. Throughout the journey, there are many things that are either considered good, or evil. Being a good human is hard at times, but it’s always a choice. In every walk of life, everyone goes through trials and tribulations. The choices and decisions that are made in the moment can affect us for the rest of our lives. There are some things that they can not go back and change. There will always be decisions that you can’t undo. There is forgivenesses for them though. It’s a decision that an individual must make on his/her own. God asked of Death, Go thou to Everyman, And show him in my name, a pilgrimage he must on him take, which he in no wise may escape; and that he bring with him a sure reckoning without delay or any tarrying. Death, On thee thou must take a long journey: Therefore thy book of count with thee thou bring; For turn again thou can not by no way, And look thou be sure of thy reckoning: For before God thou shalt answer, and show thy many bad deeds and good but a few; how thou hast spent thy life, and in what wise, before the chief lord of paradise. Have ado that we were in that way, for, wete thou well, thou shalt make none attornay. Everyman, full unready I am such reckoning to give. As the journey began for Everyone, he comes to terms with situations and people he thought would be with him until the end. Family known as cousins and kindred, fellowships, also known as friends, acquaintances, circumstances, they all tie into life and how we decide to live. Fellowship, Kindred, Cousin, Material Goods: Earthly acquaintances of Everyman who abandon him in his time of need. Having worldly good will not get anyone into the kingdom of heaven. By all means, goods are a bonus in anyone’s life, unfortunately only a few realize that it doesn’t matter how many goods you have, it’s not gonna matter when their body dies and their soul stands before God for judgement. In the script of Everyman, the goods confirm this: Goods: I follow no man. I am too delicate. Everyman: But my goods has given me nothing but good times and pleasure. Goods: All the worse for you. It’s your own damning. I don’t love anyone and could really careless for your love. If you had loved me a little less, if you had given some of your goods to the poor, you wouldn’t be in this trouble. Everyman: It’s not my fault, I was fooled. Knowing that the goods they obtained for pleasure means nothing is a hard thing to swallow when realized, although realizing it to late, is just that, too late. Everyman tries to convince other characters to accompany him in the hope of improving his account. The characters have an abstract idea such as Fellowship, (material) Goods, and Knowledge. The conflict between good and evil is dramatisized by the interactions between characters. Everyman is being singled out because it is difficult for him to find characters to accompany him on his pilgrimage. Everyman eventually realizes through this pilgrimage that he is essentially alone, despite all the personified characters that were supposed necessities and friends to him. Everyman learns that when you are brought to death and placed before God all you are left with is your own good deeds. Knowledge, In the house of salvation: We shall find him in that place, that shall us comfort by God’s grace. Lo, this is Confession; kneel down and ask mercy,For he is in good conceit with God almighty. Everyman, Into thy hands, Lord, my soul I commend; Receive it, Lord, that it be not lost; As thou me boughtest, so me defend, And save me from the fiend’s boast, that I may appear with that blessed host. That shall be saved at the day of doom. In manus tuas–of might’s most. Everyman discovers the truth of the adage You can’t take it with you. It, of course, is his store of material goods, a burden that encumbers his spirituality. Good Deeds tells him that he should have lightened this burden by giving possessions to the poor. God’s Mercy; Humans snub God’s mercy. Caught up with the pleasures of life and the pursuit of material possessions, people neglect to petition the Lord to receive forgiveness for their sins, which He is every ready to bestow. God calls attention to this human fault near the beginning of the play: I proferred the people great multitude of mercy, And few there be that asketh it heartily.They be so encumbered with worldly riches. Final Judgment:No human being can escape final judgment. God tells Death that the day will come when every person must undertake a final journey and give an accounting of his life before the Lord. No man can escape this task; every person will face a day of reckoning. In the Resurrection of Everyman it states, This is because the main theme of Everyman is universal and important. The theme is simple: someday we will die, and all of the things that we think matter most will be rendered irrelevant. The only thing that truly survives the grave is found in our own good deeds. Only his good-deeds went with him to his reckoning. Before god, he had no help at all. And after death, it is too late for mercy. If your account is not clear when you stand before god, god will say, go, wicked ones into the eternal fire. He whose account is whole and sound, shall live in heaven.A man may gain a world of riches, but they are as nothing if he suffers the loss of his soul. Their own good deeds; they don’t realize that it is in fact their own that they are judged on. There is not an exception to that. Each person will be held accountable for their own actions, deeds, and so on. Growing up hit they are taught right from wrong. As situations and circumstances arise, it’s how we handle these things that will resort in either a positive outcome or a negative outcome. The date and time of a persons passing, is not known. The knowing what lies after passing should be enough for everyone to always do good. Not being the perfect human, as no one is, it’s a choice that each make as they go through life as to doing good deeds compared to evil deeds. When you assist someone when they can’t do anything for you in return, is a perfect example of a good deed. There is not one material item that Everyman can take with him except the good deeds that has been done. Live for tomorrow”that is, life after death”by leading a holy and virtuous earthly life that includes doing good works. In the opening lines of the play, Death states this theme when he says, “Man, in the beginning, / Look well, and take good heed to the ending.” Everyman learns to “take good heed” before it is too late. He confesses and repents his sins and thus earns paradise on the strength of his contrition and the good works that he has performed. Works cited1. Everyman. Adu & Schmidt: pp. 265″287 2.

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