Write a C program that accepts as input from the keyboard a floating point number, an integer, and a character. Each of these inputs should be preceded by a prompt and stored using individual variable names. Have your program call a function that assembles the input data into a single string. Display the assembled string using the puts ( ) call back in main after the function has completed.
Expert Answer
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NSIZE 21
char assemble(int, char[], float, char[]);
int main()
char name[NSIZE];
int empID;
float hours;
char timeCard[51];
printf(“nPlease enter floating point number “);
scanf(“%f”, &hours);
printf(“nPlease enter integer “);
scanf(“%d”, &empID);
printf(“Please enTer a characTer:”);
scanf(“%s”, name);
assemble (empID, name, hours, timeCard);
printf(“nnAfter assembling the input data into a single string”);
return 0;
char assemble (int empID, char name[NSIZE], float hours, char timeCard[51] )
sprintf(timeCard, ” %d %s %4.2f hrs”, empID, name, hours);
return (timeCard[51]);