Question 5
Will the following code jump to the label myLabel?
mov( iFive, AH );
cmp( AH, iSixteen );
jna myLabel;
if iFive holds the value 5 and iSixteen holds the value 16?
No, because jna is for unsigned values |
No, because jnb should have been used, not jna |
No, because AH cannot hold signed values like 5 or 16 |
Question 6
The NEG instruction operates on
only unsigned integer data values |
all signed data values, both integers and floating point values |
only signed integer data values |
all unsigned data values, both integer and floating-point values |
Question 7
How many binary digits are used when representing a nibble in binary form?
Question 8
Patti the Programmer decides to create a function with three int8 parameters, sending all three by-reference. Will she need to pad her functions activation record?
The answer will depend on the value of the passed parameters |
The answer will depend on how many registers get preserved on the stack |
Question 9
How many bits of stack memory are used when passing an int16 variable by-value to a function?
Question 10
How many bits of stack memory are used when passing an int32 variable by-reference to a function?
Question 11
Consider the following quantities:
A = 268
B = 2616
C = 2610 and
D = 1011102,
Question 12
All of the following data values are examples of signed datatypes in HLA EXCEPT
Question 13
The numerical value 6428 can be stored in an int8 variable.
Question 14
On the 80×86 CPU floating-point hardware, FPU registers are 32-bits in size.
Question 15
When HLA Programmers use the MALLOC and FREE instructions, they are manipulating the run-time heap.
Question 16
Unlike all of the other HLA commands, the MALLOC and FREE instructions are not always guaranteed to
Question 17
Whenever HLA programmers use the MOV instruction, they must ensure that the source and destination variables or registers have different sizes.
Question 18
On the 80×86 CPU, pointer variables are 64-bit values.
Question 19
Suppose that EAX has the base address of an array a. In HLA syntax, how can you perform the following C statement:
value = a[ 6 ];
mov( value, [ EAX + 6 ] ); |
mov( [ EAX ] + 6, value ); |
mov( [ EAX + 6 ], value ); |
mov( value, [ EAX ] + 6 ); |
Question 20
Paul the Programmer decides to set the value of the register named DL. In the worst case, how many other registers besides DL will also have their values changed by this operation?
None of the choices here are correct |
Question 21
When HLA Programmers try to declare reference parameters as function parameters, which of the following function signatures should be used?
procedure foobar( k : int8 ); @nodisplay; @noframe; |
procedure foobar( var k : int8 ); @nodisplay; @noframe; |
Not enough information has been supplied to answer this question |
procedure foobar( k : var int8 ); @nodisplay; @noframe; |
Question 22
Patti the Programmer loads the EBX register with a pointer value as shown below:
iValue : int16 := 0;
dMallocAddress : dword;
begin progExample;
mov( &iValue, EBX );
malloc( @size( int8 ) );
mov( EAX, dMallocAddress );
mov( dMallocAddress, EBX );
// Patti uses [EBX]
end progExample;
After she has finished using EBX, must Patti the Programmer FREE EBX?<
The answer will depend on the value of iValue |
None of the choices listed here are correct |