Question & Answer: Which type of titration is used to quantify the amount of ascorbic acid in juice? a) acid-base…..

Section 1. Which ope of titration is used to quantify the amount of ascorbic acid in juice? a) acid-hase titration only or (b) enx sitration only or (c) both titrations 2. Whish tope of deration allows you to quantify the amount of citric acid in juice? (a) acid hase titration oely or () redox titration only or () both titrations s Ii a buret is graduated every Ql ml, to what decimal place should you report for a ml. 4 A stadenk prepares and fills a buret with NaO What is wong with the feillowing starting point for the titration? se pictare a right) TD げc 5. Wh would you see (ormot see) dring attain ifyou didnt add phanolphshailein (ndicanoe) so the flask &. A stadent mecasured out a IS0 ml aliqat (pertiom) of juice into an Erlemmeyer lask She aiiod 3 dregs of gihemolpihthalein indicanoe do the solution I took 2730 ml of 01003 MNaO ao reach the emidpoint of the Sirabion ) Deteemine the moles of NaOel required foe the tieatsion Use sig fgs What is the net istic aquation for an acid-base neutralizaticn the ttal moiles of H in the juice aliquut. Use sig Sigs! Page 11 E11
Which type of titration is used to quantify the amount of ascorbic acid in juice? a) acid-base titration only or (b) redox titration only or (c) both titrations Which type of titration allows you to quantify the amount of citric acid in juice? (a) acid-base titration only or (b) redox titration only or (c) both titrations If a is graduated every 0.1 to what decimal place should you report for a measurement? _____ A student prepares and fills a with NaOH. What is wrong with the following starting point for the titration? (see picture at right) What would you see (or not see) during a titration if you did not add to the flask? A student measured out a 150 mL (portion) of juice into an Erlemmeyer flask. She added 3 drops of to the solution. It took 27.30 mL of 0.1003 M NaOH to reach the endpoint of the titration. (a) Determine the moles of NaOH required for the titration. Use sig figs! (b) What is the net ionic equation for an acid-base neutralization reaction? (

Expert Answer


Following is the Solution to the first question (i.e. Question – 1 ), of the given …Question Set.


The answer to the problem, is Choice – (b): redox titration only……..


Since Juice contains both of the following acids: i.e. …..

  1. Ascorbic acid &
  2. Citric acid

​…titration with NaOH (i.e. base )…. i.e. acid – base titration …would only be able to determine the total amount of acid, in the …given solution, i.e. the given Juice, and thereby in order to determine the amount of Ascorbic Acid …separately….we will need another type of titration.

Rightarrow Since, Iodine (I2 ) reacts with Ascorbic acid … ONLY …and not ….citric acid…. in order to determine the amount of Ascorbic acid, we will need an red-ox. ….reaction/titration…. ( i.e. reaction between ascorbic acidand I2…is a red-ox reaction….).


Since, the above stated and described… redox titration , involves the reaction with Ascorbic Acid only… theamount of Ascorbic acid in the Juice can be determined with the use of REDOX Titration …. Only…. (Answer )

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