What is the structure for this NMR.
boiling pt of unknown is 77-78°C
molecular weight is 82.14g/mole
I think it might be cyclohexene but boiling point is higher so I might be wrong. Can you please help me solve what my structure/compound for my Nmr is. 2, 4, 4 is the hydrogens I have in my Nmr 2 has a doublet 4, a quadruplet and the other 4 a triplet.
Show transcribed image textSpectral Database for Organie Page 1 of 1 2- 廿川 Bolling 1st 77℃ Trplet doublet 8 ppm inh1ibase aist go jp/sdbs/egi-binlimg disp.cgi?disptype-disp3&kampin htn ltriodb01.ibase.aist.go.jp/sd riodb01.ibase.aist.gojp/sdbs/cgi-bin/img disp.cgi?d
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