What is quality and how would you manage it? What are some of the metrics of quality management?
Expert Answer
Quality refers to certain standards and features of the product which is able to satisfy the requirement and needs of customer. Quality is the features of product which diffrentiate it from other product and standout in between them.
How can quality can managed:
In order to manage quality there should be the quality management system that look afte the qaulity management plus Total Quality Management would be help achieving it. These two term is and ideal approached to maintain the quality management. Total quality management and Quality management system ascertain the efforts of quality managment target towards achieving goals of quality management. Qualitu Management service improves efforts techniques and strategies to ensure quality is manged perfectly.
Quality Management Metrics:
Quality cost:
How much the company spend on maintaining quality is the quality cost and company can manage that cost, they can increase the cost and minimise it too. Quality cost affect the price of the product. Cost of quality company inccurred product manufacturing shows dedication company on product.
New product Introduction:
New product introduction can affect the time, quality and volume company giving on current product. The new product will fetch the most time quality as company want to get the competetive advantage over the new product. Company’s brand image and profits depends on how company manage the new product and current product quality.
On time and complete shipments:
Company should have to manage the quality but not on sake of delaying final order from plant. There should be way