Question & Answer: What dd command copies the contents of a partition named /dev/drive1 to another partition called /…..

What dd command copies the contents of a partition named /dev/drive1 to another partition called /dev/backup?​ Please explaing in 75 words.

Expert Answer


Given, command to use is “dd”.

* “dd” command stands for “data duplicator”.

* It is used as a duplicator for a file copy and its conversion based on symbol list and formates according to operands.

* It will copy the data from source to destination byte by byte with some conversions (optional) for this we need “conv” aurgument and the bs option makes dd to read and write bytes at a time for example bs=64M.

* Usage of “conv”, convert the file as per the comma seperated symbol list such as ASCII,ebcdic,ibm,block,unblock,notrunc,noerror,sync,iso etc… and ranges are defined by seek,skip,count options.

Syntax of dd command is

dd if= <file name(source)> of= <file name(Target)>[options]

if —> From where you want to copy the data (stdin)

of —> To Where you want to write or paste data which is copied (stdout)

[option] –> speed of data will be written

* If “of” is regular file than it is overwritten

* Due to data loss based on improper usage, only super users can run this command.

* Based of question our command usage is

dd if=/dev/drive1 of=/dev/backup

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