Question & Answer: What are merchants using location-based tracking data for?…..

What are merchants using location-based tracking data for?

What are government agencies using location-based tracking data for?

What are law enforcement agencies using location-based tracking data for?

Discuss why location-based tracking technologies are a threat to individual privacy.

What steps do you take to manage your personal data?

Should individuals protect themselves from location-based tracking technologies, or should individuals embrace this type of data sharing as a reality of a new data-based culture?

Expert Answer


What are merchants using location-based tracking data for?


Mobile telecommunication technologies are quickly evolving. The global impact of mobile technologies has reached unparalleled levels in the modern computing age. The global impact of mobile technologies has yet to be fully examined and understood.

Mobile telecommunication technologies are quickly evolving. The global impact of mobile technologies has reached unparalleled levels in the modern computing age. The global impact of mobile technologies has yet to be fully examined and understood. As the percentage of individuals who use smartphones and tablets continues to increase, so does the need for a full exploration of the cultural, social, and fiscal issues related to mobile telecommunication technologies. One of the primary concerns with mobile telecommunication technologies is the use of location-based tracking systems. Data from each mobile device are collected, used, and stored by merchants, government agencies, and law enforcement agencies. The average American is unaware of the amount of data that personal mobile telecommunication devices generate as well as who is collecting, using, and storing these data.

2)cWhat are government agencies using location-based tracking data for?


Government agencies have been using location-based tracking services for as long asthey have been around, before they were available to the public. The police use location-basedtracking to discriminate information such as Amber Alerts and weather advisories. If a child ismissing and you are linked to being in the specific area of where the child went missing then youcan receive the alerts. This is a proactive ay to try and find a suspect based off of GPS location.FEMA has an application that you are able to find the nearest disaster recovery centers and helters from your location. Location-based tracking allows the government to alert the citizenson where the nearest voting poll is located to encourage citizens to vote with ease (M. Alderton,2013). With the ever changing world of technology it is easier than ever to gain information thatyou need to help you complete almost any task that you have laying ahead.Law Enforcement AgenciesLaw Enforcement agencies use location-based tracking for reporting crimes, locatingcriminals, and locating victims to name a few. “311” is an application that was created to allowlaw enforcement to collect data from users such as graffiti sites, potholes, fallen trees, etc. Whenthis data is received they are able to dispatch an officer to the scene to assist or prevent moredamage. Law enforcement can use these technologies to improve mission speed and deploy unitsto nearby incidents (M. Alderton, 2013).This is an amazing step up for law enforcement

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