We are working on path genetarion synthesis of a scissor type mechanism. Theta angle and S length are defined intermittenly. A relation has been set between variables. Px and Py are found. Input theta value has been defined from 1 degree to 90 degrees. By using the eqn belov, by using Px and Py, the error should be found and reduced for optimization. Pix and Piy are defined by us. The main question here is how to generate a matlab code to do the optimization by using these equations. I need help in Matlab P_x = (a+c)cos theta_1 + (d + h)cos theta + k cos(theta_1 + psi) P_y = S + (a + c)sin theta_1 + (d + h)sin theta + k sin(theta_1 + psi) sigma^90_i=0 E = (P_x – P_ix)^2 + (P_y + P_iy)^2
Expert Answer
%Define value of a
a = 1;
%Define value of c
c = 2;
%Define value of d
d = 3;
%Define value of h
h = 4;
%Define value of k
k = 5;
%Define value of s
s = 10;
%Define value of theta1
theta1 = 90;
%Define value of phi
phi = 45;
%Define value of theta
theta = 60;
%Compute Px
Px = (a+c)*cos(theta1) + (d+h)*sin(theta) + k*sin(theta1+phi)
%Compute Py
Py = s + (a+c)*sin(theta1) + (d+h)*sin(theta) + k*sin(theta1+phi)
%Define value of Pix
Pix = 0.3;
%Define value of Piy
Piy = 0.4;
%Compute Error
E = ((Px-Pix)^2+(Py-Piy)^2)